Matthias Lesch

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Matthias Lesch (born November 24, 1961 in Ziegenhain ) is a German mathematician who deals with global analysis and non-commutative geometry . He teaches at the University of Bonn .

Matthias Lesch studied mathematics at the Philipps University of Marburg and graduated in 1987 with a diploma from Manfred Breuer . In 1988 he also received his doctorate from Manfred Breuer with his thesis The K-Theory of the C * -Algebra of Toeplitz Operators on the Liesphere . He then joined as an assistant to Jochen Brüning to Augsburg, where he joined in 1994 with the work over a class of singular differential operators and asymptotic methods habilitated . From 1995 to 1999 Lesch was senior assistant at the Humboldt University in Berlin , from 1999 to 2000 professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson and from 2001 to 2005 professor at the University of Cologne . Since 2005 he has been a professor at the University of Bonn.

In 1995 Lesch received the Gerhard Hess Prize and in 1999 a Heisenberg grant from the German Research Foundation .

Lesch has dealt intensively with the asymptotics of the heat conduction trace of elliptical operators both on manifolds and in the context of non-commutative geometry.

He worked with Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbeck , Jochen Brüning and Henri Moscovici , among others .


  • with B. Booß-Bavnbek and C. Zhu: The Calderon Projection: New Definition and Applications. J. Geom. Phys. 59: 784-826 (2009).
  • with J. Brüning: On the spectral geometry of algebraic curves. J. pure angew. Math. 474 (1996), 25-66.
  • with J. Brüning: Hilbert complexes. J. Funct. Anal. 108: 88-132 (1992).
  • with H. Moscovici and M. Pflaum: Connes-Chern character for manifolds with boundary and eta cochains. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 220 (2012), no.1036.
  • Operators of Fuchs type, conical singularities, and asymptotic methods. Teubner Texts on Mathematics 136, 1997.
  • with Norbert Peyerimhoff and Manfred Hüttenhofer: Mathematics in Application with C ++: Algorithms from Analysis and Number Theory. Quelle and Meyer, 1994.
  • Editor with Juan Gil and Daniel Grieser: Approaches to singular analysis. Birkhäuser, 2001.
  • Editor with Giampiero Esposito and Bernhelm Booß-Bavnbek: New paths to quantum gravity. Springer, 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Matthias Lesch in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / name used