Maurice Couve de Murville (Bishop)

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Maurice Noël Léon Couve de Murville (born June 27, 1929 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye , France , † November 3, 2007 in Littlehampton , Great Britain ) was Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Birmingham .


Maurice Couve de Murville received on 29 June 1957, the sacrament of Holy Orders . He later served as a chaplain at Cambridge University and Sussex University.

On January 22, 1982, Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Birmingham . The episcopal ordination received his Archbishop Bruno Heim . Co -consecrators were Archbishop Jean-Marie Lustiger and Bishop Basil Christopher Butler .

On June 12, 1999, Pope John Paul II accepted his resignation for health reasons. At the beginning of November 2007, Maurice Couve de Murville died in a nursing home in Littlehampton after a long and serious illness with cancer .

He was Honorary Conventual Chaplain of the Order of Malta and a cousin of the Protestant French politician and former Prime Minister Maurice Couve de Murville .

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predecessor Office successor
George Patrick Dwyer Archbishop of Birmingham
Vincent Nichols