Maurice Princet

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Maurice Joseph Princet (born July 7, 1875 in Igny, Haute-Saône , † April 8, 1968 ibid) was a French mathematician who helped shape the development of Cubism .


He lived in Montmartre with his wife Alice and was a regular visitor to the Bateau-Lavoir . He hosted celebrations attended by Guillaume Apollinaire , Max Jacob and Pablo Picasso . In 1907 Princet was left by his wife because of the painter André Derain . As a confidante of Jean Metzinger , he took part in the Puteaux meetings. As a mathematician, he was an intellectual pioneer and mediator of complex ideas for the painters of the avant-garde , who, by destroying perspective, questioned a fundamental pictorial paradigm. Princet's role is central to the artistic approach to Einstein's theory of relativity , which prompted Apollinaire to speak of a “quatrième dimension”. During the formation of the Cubist camp in 1909–1914, Princet's sympathies were with the Section d'Or , whose aim was to scientifically justify Cubism with the help of exact sciences.

In 1935 he converted (like Max Jacob and Pierre Reverdy ) to Catholicism. From then on he lived in Igny with his sisters Marie Cécile and Jeanne Princet.

Louis Vauxcelles and André Salmon describe Princet as the initiator of the fourth dimension in the circles of painters, even as the father of Cubism.

Maurice Princet allegedly introduced Pablo Picasso to the work Esprit Jouffret , the Traité élémentaire de géométrie à quatre dimensions et introduction à la géométrie à n dimensions . This font was a popular scientific description of higher-dimensional geometries and was influenced by Henri Poincaré , among others . Jouffret describes hypercubes and polyhedra in four dimensions and projected onto a two-dimensional plane. These explanations have enabled the visual artists to apply the geometric principles to their work.


Max Jacob describes him as a mathematical apologist for Picasso:

«Il ya fort peu de mathématiques dans le cubisme. Il est certain qu'on pourrait appliquer les paraboles arithmétiques mais en admettant que Princet les eût connues, Picasso aurait été bien en peine de les appliquer »

«J'ai assisté à la naissance du cubisme, à sa croissance, à son déclin. Picasso en fut l'accoucheur, Guillaume Apollinaire la sage-femme, Princet le parrain. »

- Maurice Vlaminck


  • Marc Décimo: Maurice Princet, le Mathématicien du Cubisme . L'Échoppe, Paris 2006.
  • Maurice Princet: Preface: Robert Delaunay . Les Peintres R. Delaimay, Marie Laurencin, Galerie Barbazanges, Fauburg Saint-Honore, Paris, 28 February – 13 March 1912 232 / Commentary 234 in: Mark Antiff: A cubism reader: documents and criticism, 1906–1914. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago [u. a.] 2008, pp. 323-327.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Arthur I. Miller: Einstein, Picasso: Space, Time, and the Beauty That Causes Havoc . Basic Books, New York 2001, p. 100.
  2. ^ Marc Décimo: Maurice Princet: le mathématicien du Cubisme . L'Échoppe, Paris 2006, p. 29 .
  3. ^ Louis Vauxcelles: Le Carnet des ateliers: La Père du cubisme . Le Carnet de la semaine: 11. In: Linda Dalrymple Henderson (Ed.): The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art . Princeton University Press, Princeton 1983, ISBN 0-691-10142-6 .
  4. ^ André Salmon: Souvenir sans fin, Première époque (1903-1908) . Editions Gallimard, Paris 1955.
  5. Traité élémentaire de géométrie à quatre dimensions et introduction à la géométrie à n dimensions. Retrieved July 20, 2018 .
  6. Maurice Vlaminck: (June 6, 1942). Opinions libres… sur la peinture. Comédia: 1, 6. In: William Rubin, Hélène Seckel, Judith Cousins ​​(eds.): Anthology of Early Commentary on Les Demoiselles d'Avignon . Cat. Exhib. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Museum of Modern Art, New York 1994, ISBN 0-87070-162-2 , pp. 264 .