Maurus of Parenzo

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Maurus von Parenzo ( Latin Maurus Parentinus , Italian Mauro di Parenzo , Croatian Mauro Porečki ) is a Christian saint . He lived in the 3rd century and was the first known bishop of Parentinum ( Italian Parenzo ) in Istria . Legend has it that Maurus died as a martyr during the persecution of Christians in the time of Emperor Diocletian . Otherwise nothing is known about his life.

He was venerated as a saint in Istria as early as the 4th century. His bones were buried at his place of office in an oratory that had been built at that time. His relics were transferred to the local Euphrasian basilica in the middle of the 6th century , which Bishop Euphrasius of Parenzo had built as the episcopal church. There is also a mosaic with the image of St. Maurus. In the 7th century , Pope John IV. Maurus , who came from Dalmatia , had relics of other Dalmatian and Istrian saints transferred to Rome in the Venantius Chapel at the Lateran Baptistery . They later came to Genoa and from there back to Poreč in 1934.

Maurus is the patron saint of Poreč and one of the patrons of the Poreč-Pula diocese . Besides Istria, he is especially venerated in Italy. His feast day is November 21st.

