Max Auzinger

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Max Auzinger (born July 26, 1839 in Munich , † May 15, 1928 in Berlin ) was a German theater and silent film actor and magician . Auzinger had several stage names throughout his life. He also called himself Maxistan A. Uzinger , Ben Ali Bey and Weinstein .


Max Auzinger initially worked as a carpet manufacturer in Augsburg . Then he changed his profession and turned to the theater.

In 1882 Auzinger was the director of the play Donadier Morley at the Berlin National Theater . During the rehearsals for this play he noticed the effect of the black theater purely by chance . An actor who was made up as a Moor was moving in front of a black background. Except for the teeth and the whites of the eyes, the actor could not be recognized.

Only after Auzinger got into professional difficulties a few years later did he turn to the black theater full-time and develop his own artistic performances. On June 28, 1885 Max Auzinger finally appeared for the first time with his own program under the name Ben Ali Bey and from then on toured many stages in Germany and abroad.

Auzinger was on stage until he was 75. His daughter Leopoldine (stage name Sulamith ) assisted him for many years. Auzinger, married to his wife Leopoldine, died on May 15, 1928 in Berlin at the age of 88.


For the magician historian Ottokar Fischer , he was one of the three greatest contemporary magicians.

"If you haven't seen your ideas, you can't really get an idea of ​​their effects."

- Ottokar Fischer :



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Individual evidence

  1. Stephan Oettermann , Sibylle Spiegel: Bio-bibliographical lexicon of magicians. Edition Volker Huber, Offenbach am Main 2004, ISBN 3-921785-86-3 .
  2. Max Auzinger on


  1. ^ According to the stage yearbook, the IMDb states May 14, 1928