Max Flashar

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Hunter's Latin
A wonderful story

Bruno Max Flashar (born July 3, 1855 in Berlin , † June 8, 1915 in Munich ) was a German painter , draftsman and caricaturist .

Max Flashar began his artistic training at the Grand Ducal Saxon Art School in Weimar with Stanislaus von Kalckreuth , then went to Paris to study and continued his studies at the Berlin Art Academy in Ludwig Knaus' master workshop .

Max Flashar dealt with poster art , since 1883 he provided illustrations for the " Fliegende Blätter ".

From 1909 he exhibited his works in the Munich Glass Palace .

Works (selection)

  • Frida von Kronoff: Golden fairytale splendor from a thousand and one nights. Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1892 (illustrated by A. Greiner and Max Flashar).
  • Hans Christian Andersen: fairy tales for children. 1894 (illustrated by Max Flashar).


Web links

Commons : Max Flashar  - collection of images, videos and audio files