Max Glauer

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Max Glauer around 60 years old

Max Glauer (born August 11, 1867 in Breslau , † August 27, 1935 in Opole ) was a German and Silesian photographer .


He came from a Protestant family in Breslau. He spent his childhood in Carlsruhe O / S . From 1893 he lived in Opole, Krakauerstrasse 34a, where he founded a photo studio. Through his portraits he gained recognition among the population and the aristocracy of the German Empire. For several years he photographed the crowned heads, such as Kaiser Wilhelm II when he visited Moschen . In later years he portrayed Field Marshal Hindenburg, among others .

Frequently toured Glauer Silesia by bike and later by car. He was interested in the villages and their people there. In 1926 Glauer decided to renovate his house in Opole - the well-known architect Heinrich Lauterbach was entrusted with this task . The house became a meeting place for Opole's intellectual and artistic elite. Among other things, there were meetings of the Eichendorff community in Opole . There were often art exhibitions. In addition to photography, Glauer also published the story of his youth in Carlsruhe O / S, published in 1934 in the Oppelner Heimatkalender .

The artist's tomb, which is no longer preserved, was in the cemetery on Wrocław Street (ulica Wrocławska).


  • Bogdan Snoch: Górnośląski Leksykon Biograficzny. Suplement do wydania drugiego . Katowice: Muzeum Śląskie, 2006, p. 41. ISBN 83-60353-11-5 .
  • M. Rostropowicz-Miśko, Max Glauer in Schlesier from the earliest times to the present / Ślązacy od czasów najdawniejszych do współczesności , Volume 1, Łubowice-Opole 2005, Joanna Rostropowicz (editor), ISBN 83-88672-77-0 .

Web links

Commons : Max Glauer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Silesia Journal
  2. ^ Jan Copyc, Norbert Honka: Silesians from the earliest times to the present , Górnośląskie Centrum Kultury i Spotkań im. Eichendorffa, 2005, ISBN 8388672770 , page 75 f