Max Kully

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Max Kully , actually Maximilian Kully (born August 20, 1878 , † October 1, 1936 , citizen of Arlesheim ) was a Swiss Catholic pastor in Arlesheim from 1913 to 1936, who became known in his lectures and writings as an opponent of Rudolf Steiner .


Max Kully was the son of Wilhelm Kully (1848–1915) and came from Olten . His great-grandfather was the politician Eugen Madeux . He initially trained as a businessman and then studied theology on a second educational path. In 1910 he was ordained a priest, worked briefly as parish vicar in Lucerne and became a village pastor in Arlesheim, the neighboring parish of Dornach . From 1914 to 1917 he was editor of the Catholic Sunday newspaper of the canton of Baselland and its surroundings , the direction of which he handed over to the ultramontane pastor Markus Arnet (1885–1951).

Kully, a supporter of the action française , was an opponent of the Anthroposophical Society and especially of Rudolf Steiner, against whom he published several writings and articles in the Catholic Sunday Gazette, initially under the pseudonyms Spectator and Hilarius. From anthroposophical circles, Roman Boos in particular took a stand against the diatribes, as did Louis Michael Julius Werbeck in 1924. In 1921 and 1924, Kully sought litigation against Rudolf Steiner and the Anthroposophical Society. The trial was won and the judgment had to be published in the weekly “Das Goetheanum” at the expense of the defendant . On Kully's attempts to prevent the construction of the Dornach Goetheanum, see also First Goetheanum . After Steiner's death in 1925, he settled again with the 1926 published The Truth about Theo-Anthroposophy as a phenomenon of cultural decline with "Steinerism".


  • The Truth About Dr. Steiner (for clarification). Extended lecture by M. Kully, Pastor of Arlesheim, held on the Federal Prayer Day 1920 in Dornach. Otto Walter, Olten 1920.
  • The secret of the Temple of Dornach. (Extended special print from the Katholisches Sonntagsblatt for Baselland and the surrounding area ).
    • Part 1: The secret of the Temple of Dornach: History about theosophy and its offshoots. [Self-published], [manufacturer]: Basler Volksblatt, Basel 1920. Also in 4th edition.
    • Part 2: The secrets of the Temple of Dornach: Secret temple, secret teacher, secret doctrine, secret training, secret student. Enlightenment and warning to the Swiss people. [Self-published], [manufacturer]: Basler Volksblatt, Basel 1921. Also in 2nd, increased edition.
  • The truth about theo-anthroposophy as a phenomenon of cultural decline. A contribution to the history of contemporary occultism, especially Steinerism. Self-published by “Basler Volksblatt”, Basel 1926. With portrait. - Reprint: Michael Hahn, Dresden 2018, ISBN 978-3-96401-003-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Portrait archive Maximilian Kully. In: Portrait archive, accessed on September 23, 2018 .
  2. ^ German biography: Kully, Max - German biography. Retrieved September 18, 2018 (index entry).
  3. ^ Eduard Fischer: Federal Councilor Bernhard Hammer , 1822–1907, and his time. Verlag Lüthy, 1969, p. 66.
  4. Biographical information in: Rudolf Steiner: The Anthroposophy and their opponents 1919 - 1921. (= Rudolf Steiner Complete Edition ; Volume 255b). Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach 2003, ISBN 3-7274-2555-5 . Online at
  5. Lorenzo Ravagli : Under hammer and swastika. The völkisch-national-social struggle against anthroposophy. Free Spiritual Life Publishing House, 2004, pp. 18, 169.
  6. Cf. Roman Boos: Documentary representation of the agitation against the Goetheanum. In: The agitation against the Goetheanum. 2 essays (with Rudolf Steiner). The coming day, Dornach / Stuttgart 1920.
  7. Cf. Louis MJ Werbeck: The Christian opponents of Rudolf Steiner, refuted by them. Stuttgart 1924.
  8. Dr. Rudolf Steiner before the Dornach District Court. In: Tagblatt für das Birseck, Birsig- and Leimental. Arlesheim August 1, 1924. Reprinted in Rudolf Steiner: The Constitution of the General Anthroposophical Society and the School of Spiritual Science. The reconstruction of the Goetheanum 1924–1925. Rudolf Steiner-Verlag, Dornach 1987, ISBN 3-7274-2606-3 .
  9. Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Goetheanum Dornach Association, June 29, 1924. Accessed on September 18, 2018 .