May-Grünwald staining

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The May-Grünwald stain is a histological stain used to display and differentiate between different blood cells .


The May-Grünwald stain is mainly used for blood smears . The cell nuclei are stained. Included dyes are Methylene Blue and Eosin Y or Eosin B . The methylene blue stains nucleic acids such as B. Chromosomes , which is why the staining is also used for cytodiagnostics . The eosin stains basic areas within the cells such as B. DNA binding proteins . The combination of May-Grünwald staining with Giemsa staining is called Pappenheim staining .


An alternative to May-Grünwald staining is Wright staining .

Individual evidence

  1. Irene Boll: Practical Blood Cell Diagnostics. Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-74928-5 , p. 165.