Medal for the 1866 campaign (Nassau)

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The medal for the 1866 campaign was donated on August 20, 1866 by Duke Adolph von Nassau as a commemorative token for all officers , NCOs and men of the Nassau troops who took part in the battle of Königgrätz against Prussia on the side of the German Confederation .

The round medal made of bronze shows the initial A (Adolph) surmounted by a ducal crown . Below that is the two-line inscription JULI U: AUGUST 1866. to be seen. On the reverse the two-line inscription NASSAU'S KRIEGERN and underneath a decorated horizontal staff.

The award was worn on an orange-yellow ribbon with dark blue stripes on the left side of the chest.


  • Jean Schoos : The orders and decorations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the former Duchy of Nassau in the past and present. Verlag der Sankt-Paulus-Druckerei, Luxembourg 1990, ISBN 2-87963-048-7 , pp. 144–145.