Media dome

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Media dome

The media dome of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences is a new type of dome theater with 360 ° multimedia equipment. It is located on the campus of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences in Kiel - Dietrichsdorf on the east bank of the Kiel Fjord and is part of the Dietrichsdorf cultural island . Organizationally, the media dome is part of the central facility Center for Culture and Science Communication (ZKW) at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

Elevation of the media dome in the large lecture hall building of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences

public events

The media dome of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences has a domed hall with 64 seats in a concentric arrangement. Around 1400 public events take place here every year. The installed technology can be used like a planetarium . However, the concept of the media dome also includes other types of events, such as general scientific lectures, music, theater and entertainment events. The term “cultural hemisphere” was introduced to denote the cultural offerings.

Special events

In the morning, the media dome offers events for school classes and kindergarten groups. Care is taken to ensure that the groups are grouped together and supervised according to their age.

In 2013, a pilot project to develop an event format for people with dementia was carried out at the Mediendom in cooperation with the state capital Kiel and the Diakonie Altholstein. From this, an event division developed that is primarily aimed at the older generation. The information density is reduced, the guests encounter beautiful things without hectic effects, accompanied by sensitive music.

The media dome can be booked for group events. This offer is often used by associations and companies in connection with a conference at the university of applied sciences.

Research and Teaching

As a research laboratory at Kiel University of Applied Sciences , the media dome sees itself as a facility for research and teaching of immersive technologies and content. These are the subject matter of the accredited study programs "Multimedia Production" or "Media Concept" for the Bachelor or Master of Arts.

The main areas of work are:

  • Development of dramaturgical guidelines for 360 ° presentations, fulldome production
  • Development of the virtual nature experience space
  • Development of new subject areas for dome theaters, development of leading cultural projects
  • Combination of live performances and multimedia elements, interactivity
  • Software development
  • 3D audio
  • Science outreach
  • Virtual reality (VR)

Lectures and seminars for the students of the "Multimedia Production" course take place in the dome hall . At the end of a semester, the students create e.g. B. in small groups short show clips that they present in the media dome. The project-oriented course offers a wide range of options for implementing ideas from the field of “culture and knowledge transfer”. As early as 2003, a 360 ° visualization was created for the press presentation of the album Nimby by the band Fury in the Slaughterhouse .

Research and development projects at the media dome:

  • Multimedia presentation of the neotropical rainforest
  • Intermedial dance project ich-quadrat
  • Mixed media show Alien Action
  • 3D audio positioning in dome environments, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Ilmenau
  • Research into the effect of immersive media in science outreach using the example of nano and surface science, as part of the Kiel Science Outreach Campus (KiSOC)

The media dome gave the impetus for the teaching and research field "Immersive Media" of the Media Department at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. It is supported by the Institute for Immersive Media. The institute gives z. B. out the yearbook of immersive media .

Productions and awards

Fulldome productions are created at the media dome as part of technology transfer and have been performed internationally in more than 100 domes. The production Eyes in Space - Advance into the Invisible Universe was produced on behalf of the European Space Agency ESA in 2009 and has so far been translated into 15 languages.

The event Orchids - Miracles of Evolution was created as part of the “Evolution Today” competition of the Volkswagen Foundation together with the Kiel Botanical Garden and communication designer Ralph Heinsohn and was awarded the iF communication award , the red dot design award and the “Gute Design Good Design 2011 ”was awarded gold by the German Designer Club and was nominated for the German Design Prize 2012.

The German Commission for UNESCO has awarded the planetarium event “Lars the Little Polar Bear” as a project of the UN Decade of “Education for Sustainable Development”. The production was created in cooperation with the Kiel Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” and the media educator Berit Thomas.

“Syncode 360”, the design of which was in turn developed by Ralph Heinsohn, won first place in the “Fulldome Music Show” category at the first Russian fulldome festival in Yaroslavl in 2013.

As part of a university competition for the “Science Year 2016 - 17 Seas and Oceans”, the “Superheroes of our Oceans” project was selected as one of 15 projects.

Seal of quality Germany

As the first cultural institution in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, the media dome was initially awarded the Schleswig-Holstein quality seal and later the Germany quality seal. In 2010 he received the first Kiel Service Award.

Kiel Planetarium V.

After the old planetarium dome (see also Kiel observatory ) on Kiel's west bank was abandoned, the Kieler Planetarium e. V. established its new working environment in the Mediendom and since then has been involved in the conception and production of primarily astronomical and popular science events in the Mediendom.


Full dome video

The technical heart of the media dome is the all-dome video system E&S Digistar 6 , a network of seven individual computers:

  • a host computer (control and script flow)
  • six graphics computers, so-called graphics processors, one of which is a sound calculator, so-called audio processor

Digistar 6 works with a 3-dimensional , DirectX -based world, into which any objects can be loaded and animated. This real-time capability makes interaction possible: this makes the media dome significantly different from the cinema or IMAX theater. The six graphics processors each play with one of six video projectors, which each project a partial image onto the dome, so that the entire dome becomes an oversized computer screen. Through special preparation, videos that fill the dome can be generated and played. It is also possible to combine real-time elements with precalculated full-dome video.

Sound engineering

The sound system of the media dome is unique worldwide. 58 loudspeakers and seven subwoofers with 64 audio channels and 18,000 watts of power are installed around the acoustically permeable dome. In this way, a three-dimensional sound reproduction that goes beyond spatial sound is possible.

Lighting technology

Since February 2014, the media dome has had a ring of LED elements with freely selectable colors to create lighting moods. The lighting control can be included in the programming of show scripts.

Media control

The media systems are linked on the basis of software developed at the media dome called MUSE, which enables individual system solutions.


  • September 17, 2003: Opening of the media dome with Prime Minister Heide Simonis
  • September 17, 2013: tenth anniversary: ​​330,000 guests visited the dome in the first 10 years. During this period, 26 fulldome shows were staged, the production of which the Mediendom was involved in.
  • November 14, 2014: Mediendom reloaded - technical new equipment, u. a. with the “SpatialSoundWave” system from the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Ilmenau
  • May 8, 2017: Publication of the Mediendom 4.0 strategy paper

Show premieres (excerpt)

  • October 2, 2003: Infinite expanses - from the Big Bang to Earth
  • March 1, 2004: Fury in the Slaughterhouse - Pop and Art
  • March 23, 2005: Magellan and the southern sky
  • June 8, 2006: ich-quadrat - dance intermedial for planetariums
  • November 4th, 2006: Alien Action - Science-Fiction meets PopArt
  • March 11, 2007: Metavista - a sound (T) space journey
  • September 21, 2007: When the gulp sacked the earth
  • November 14, 2007: Computers open worlds
  • February 20, 2008: Our cosmos - home of the people
  • October 9, 2009: Sounds of the Underground
  • May 13, 2009: Eyes in Space - Advance into the invisible universe
  • June 10, 2009: Orchids - miracles of evolution
  • April 2, 2010: Space Park 360 - the ultimate in free time fun
  • April 21, 2010: Completely detached - rocket technology today and tomorrow
  • October 6, 2010: Students Nightlife
  • January 19, 2011: Lars the little polar bear
  • July 5th, 2012: The rainbow fish and his friends
  • April 20, 2012: In the depths of the cosmos
  • March 22nd, 2012: Magic of the Otherworld
  • September 13, 2012: Distant worlds - strange life?
  • September 20, 2012: Videophonie SynCode
  • November 13, 2014: Frida and the forest
  • January 11, 2015: Time travel - from the Big Bang to Earth
  • March 1, 2016: In the realm of the planets
  • January 19, 2017: Cosmic expanses
  • February 6, 2017: Escape - a 360 ° play
  • March 29, 2017: miRatio - A concert in virtual spaces
  • June 8, 2017: Planets - Expedition into the solar system
  • 4th July 2017: Superheroes of the deep sea (5 min + transmediale extensions)
  • April 15, 2018: So close to heaven
  • July 10, 2018: Game of Domes


The Kiel University of Applied Sciences also has an observatory on the roof of the high-rise on campus. In the dark months from October to April, public lectures and sky observations take place here on clear evenings. The primary mirror of the Ritchey-Chrétien-Cassegrain mirror telescope has a diameter of 406 mm and a focal length of 3250 mm.

Computer Museum

Another facility of the University of Applied Sciences is the Computer Museum of the University of Applied Sciences in Kiel with several exhibits of computer technology from yesterday and the day before yesterday, including unique machines from Konrad Zuse .

Individual evidence

  1. World premiere: Planetarium show "Eyes in Space - Advance into the Invisible Universe". European Space Agency , May 4, 2009, accessed August 21, 2013 .
  2. Orchids - Miracles of Evolution. (No longer available online.) Kiel University of Applied Sciences , archived from the original on July 25, 2013 ; Retrieved August 21, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Mediendom  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 54 ° 19 '56.4 "  N , 10 ° 10' 52.4"  E