Mehis Heinsaar

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Mehis Heinsaar (2011)

Mehis Heinsaar (born August 1, 1973 in Tallinn , Estonian SSR ) is an Estonian writer.


Mehis Heinsaar grew up in Tallinn and Karksi-Nuia . From 1992 to 2000 he studied Estonian literature at the University of Tartu . He finished his studies with a thesis on the writer August Gailit .


In 1995 Mahis Heinsaar made his lyrical debut in the Postimees newspaper . Since 1997 he has mainly been writing prose . In addition to numerous short stories and short stories, he has published the novel Artur Sandmani lugu, ehk Teekond iseenda teise otsa (2005) and the volume of poetry Sügaval elu hämaras (2009). Heinsaar's texts are often influenced by surrealism and magical realism . His stories often reach into the absurd and grotesque . Within Estonian literature, Heinsaar shows parallels to Jüri Ehlvest and Andrus Kivirähk ; from an international perspective, he need not shy away from comparison with Franz Kafka . He belongs to the Tartu artists' association Erakkond (about: Hermit Party).

Book publications

  • Vaname esters, well. Tallinn: Tuum 2001. 155 pp. (Short stories)
  • Härra Pauli kroonikad. Tallinn: Perioodika 2001. 104 p. (Loomingu Raamatukogu 31-32 / 2001) (short stories)
  • Artur Sandmani lugu ehk Teekond iseenda teise otsa. Tallinn: Tuum 2005. 245 pp. (Novel)
  • Rändaja õnn. Tallinn: Verb 2007. 136 p. (Short stories)
  • Sügaval elu haemaras. Tallinn: Verb 2009. 111 pp. (Poems)
  • Ebatavaline yes ähvardav loodus. s. l .: Menu 2010. 151 p. (short stories)
  • Härra Pauli kroonikad. Teine, taiendatud väljaanne. Tallinn: Menu 2011. 173 pp. (Short stories)
  • Ülikond. Jutte 2003-2013. s. l .: Menu kirjastus 2013. 157 p. (short stories)

German translations

Heinsaar has not yet published an independent book in German, but some of his short stories have been translated into German. In 2003 the story “The beautiful Armin” appeared in the magazine Lichtungen, in 2004 “High season” in estonia (p. 23–30) and six other short stories were published in the almanac estonia 2007 (p. 49–59). All translations are by Irja Grönholm .



  • Sven Vabar: The long-distance runner Heinsaar and his ninety nine madmen. In: Estonian Literary Magazine 15 (2002), pp. 34-37.
  • Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, p. 754.
  • Epp Annus: Mehis Heinsaar yes kirjanduse allikad. Üleastuvast ja isevoogavast kirjandusest. In: Keel ja Kirjandus 10/2010, pp. 713–725.
  • Berk Vaher: Teekond Artur Sandmani teise otsa. In: Looming 12/2010, pp. 1689-1705.
  • Luhtatulek. Ekslemisi Mehis Heinsaare tihnikutes. Koostaja Sven Vabar. Tallinn / Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus 2011. 192 p. (Etüde nüüdiskultuurist 3)

Web links