Milestone (Steutz)

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Milestone at Steutz

The milestone at Steutz is a small monument in the city of Zerbst / Anhalt in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district in Saxony-Anhalt . Like all milestones, it is under monument protection , but cannot be found in the list of monuments .


North of Steutz on the western side of the federal road 187a , which connects Aken (Elbe) with Zerbst.

History and shape

Milestones were set up on all of Anhalt's major roads in the early 1850s . Its zero point was at the Dessau residential palace . These stones were spaced 7532 meters apart, since the Anhalt mile corresponded to the Prussian mile . In the early 1870s, Anhalt had to be re-measured twice: once for the changeover to the new mile, which corresponded to 7500 meters, which resulted in only minor shifts, and shortly afterwards for the changeover to kilometers. During the second changeover, different regional actions were apparently taken. On the one hand, new zero points such as Köthen or Zerbst were added; on the other hand, the milestones were partly left at the positions of the first changeover ( Horstdorf , Porst or Quellendorf ), but partly there was a second shift.

In Anhalt-Zerbst , the stones have apparently been brought to myriameter positions, so they were now every 10,000 meters. This is why these stones are also called myriameter stones . In the strict sense, however, these are only stones that actually have the word Myriameter as an inscription. This was not implemented until 2000 for a number of stones in the Zerbst area. Until then, they carried normal kilometers. The old as well as the new inscription on the granite stone was designed in black letters on a white background. In the case of Steutz it was 10 / KM / von Zerbst and since 2000 I / Myriameter / von Zerbst . Today the stone is exactly 10 kilometers away from its zero point, the Zerbster Roland . So maybe he went crazy again later or the course of the road changed.


  • Walter Gollmer: Old milestones. In: Zerbster Heimatkalender 1987, pp. 51–55.
  • Walter Gollmer: Anhalt milestones (I). In: Heimatkalender Kreis Roßlau 1991, pp. 12-18.
  • Walter Gollmer: Anhaltic milestones in the photo (part 2) , in: Arbeitsmaterial 14 (1994) 28, pp. 29–33.
  • Walter Gollmer: Anhalt milestones? In: Mitteilungen des Verein für Anhaltische Landeskunde 4 (1995), pp. 42–77.
  • Walter Gollmer: Anhalt milestones - road construction monuments of the 19th century. In: Archeology in Saxony-Anhalt 7 (1997), pp. 32–35.
  • Olaf Grell: News in brief. Saxony-Anhalt. In: Das Meilenstein-Journal 20 (2000) 40, pp. 39-42.
  • Hans Hummel: Anhaltinische, kursächsische and Prussische Chausseebauten between 1764 and 1806 , in: Die Straße 27 (1987) 7, S. 216-220.

Web links

Commons : Milestone Steutz  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Neither in the list of monuments of the state of Saxony-Anhalt (pdf, 9.9 MB) (Small request from MPs Olaf Meister and Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert; Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen - Printed matter 6/3905 of March 19, 2015; KA 6 / 8670), still in the development of the Sachsen-Anhalt monument register (pdf; 231 KB) for 2017 (small request from MPs Olaf Meister and Wolfgang Aldag; Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen - Printed matter 7/1157 of March 22, 2017; KA 7 / 628) or the update for 2018 Monument Register - update and further development (pdf, 54 KB) (small request from MP Olaf Meister; Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) - printed matter 7/4067 of March 8, 2019 (KA 7/2235).
  2. Gollmer, 1987, p. 51; Gollmer, 1997, p. 32.
  3. Grell, p. 40.
  4. Gollmer, 1994, p. 30; Gollmer, 1995, p. 55.
  5. Gollmer, 1991, p. 16.

Coordinates: 51 ° 52 ′ 55.1 ″  N , 12 ° 4 ′ 45 ″  E