My name is Eugen (musical)

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Musical dates
Title: My name is Eugen - The Musical
Original language: Swiss German (mainly Bern German )
Music: Roman Riklin
Book: Roman Riklin
Lyrics: Roman Riklin
Literary source: Klaus Schädelin
Original direction: Dominik Flaschka
Premiere: 5th March 2016
Place of premiere: Maag Halle , Zurich
Playing time: approx. 2 hours and 40 minutes, including a 20-minute break
Place and time of the action: Bern , Erstfeld , Tenero , Gotthard Pass , Schattdorf , Zug and Zurich in the 1950s
Roles / people
  • Eugen: Jan Simon Messerli
  • Wrigley: Delio Malär
  • Eduard: Sebastian Muri
  • Bäschteli: Remo Traber
  • Mr. Wilhelm Stalder / Fritzli Bühler etc .: Eric Hättenschwiler
  • Teacher Benedikt Klameth / Scout Guide Tutti etc .: Peter Zgraggen
  • Mr. Werner Pfister / Police Officer Fritz Bühler etc .: Roman Fischer
  • Aunt Melanie / Mrs. Erika Pfister: Cécile Gschwind
  • Mrs. Elsbeth Stalder / Mrs. Küpfer etc .: Angela Hunkeler
  • Wale Gasser / Armand Bühler: Yves Ulrich
  • Kätheli Zeller / Princess: Naemi Mettler
  • Böhni Krummenacher / Friedrich: Pascale Sauteur
  • Sikki: Gianmarco Rostetter
  • Eglikurt / Walter Tell: Stephan Luethy
  • Ensemble: Jeremy Müller, Dominic A. Hurni, Myriam Mazzolini
  • Covers / Walk-In Covers: Marius Hatt, Heidy Suter, Adriano Piccione, Christian Knecht

My name is Eugen - The Musical is a musical based on the novel of the same name by Klaus Schädelin and consistently narrated from the perspective of 13-year-old Eugen, who, together with his friends Wrigley, Eduard and Bäschteli, wants to avoid growing up . The book, music and lyrics are by Roman Riklin , the work was staged by director Dominik Flaschka . The musical was produced by Darko Soolfrank and Guido Schilling ( Space Dream , Ewigi Liebi ) and had its world premiere on March 5, 2016 in the Maag Music Hall in Zurich . After around 90 performances, the last performance took place on June 19, 2016. The musical had around 45,000 viewers.

The production was nominated a total of seven times for the German Musical Theater Prize 2016 and was awarded in the categories “Best Choreography” (Jonathan Huor) and “Best Supporting Actor” (Remo Traber).


first act

Like his friend Wrigley, 13-year-old Eugen lives at Herrengasse 12 in Bern . Together with Eduard and Bäschteli, the two lead a difficult life, because their joyless parents, aunt Melanie and teacher Klameth have no understanding for the pranks of the four rascals. Eugen decides to write a book about the tragedies of his bitter youth ( My Name isch Eugen, Sy Name isch Eugen ).

The prank with a heated coin on which the teacher Klameth burns his fingers results in the essay "The seriousness of life begins at thirteen" and is the beginning of a chain of unfortunate events ( with dryzäh year ). Eduard leaves a blank sheet of paper and is therefore condemned by the teacher to play the role of the bad aunt in the school theater. To support Eduard in his aunt's role studies, the four friends break into Aunt Melanie's apartment and put Eduard in her Sunday dress ( Aunt Melanie ). Surprised by his aunt returning home, Eduard fled to the attic with his dress on. There the four boys discover a boat and undertake a dangerous fantasy journey to Lake Titicaca , where they want to meet their idol Fritzli Bühler, the king of the rascals. He should show them how to prevent them from growing up and how to remain a rascal forever ( Fritzli Bühler ).

During the drawing class in the Historical Museum , Wrigley surprises his classmates as a knight Eisenhut in knight armor ( Ritter Eisenhut ). Unfortunately, he can't get the knight's helmet off his head and his friends smuggle his helmet and armor out of the museum.

The following night turns into a disaster: Rudely awakened by the water damage that the boys caused with their boat adventure in the attic, the parents discover not only a sleeping knight but also Aunt Melanie's stolen dress. The scout camp is canceled as a punishment . Eugen has a bad nightmare when he meets Fritzli Bühler and is condemned to be an adult for the rest of his life ( nightmare ).

Eugen and his friends manage, contrary to expectations, to have sufficient grades in their report card. However, the teacher writes a letter to the parents and asks them to take educational steps. The four boys imagine the most terrible punishments ( What does she know? ). Eugen even toyed with the idea of throwing himself from the Aare bridge ( Nume is a very simple step ). Wrigley suddenly discovers the flight potential of the letters and shortly afterwards they fly into the Aare as paper planes ( like a miracle ).

As a reward for the good report, the rascals are still allowed to go to the scout camp. By bike you go to Erstfeld ( Ds Velo, du, ig u d'Strass ) and from there by train past the spiral tunnel near Wassen and on to Ticino ( train ride ).

In the tent camp in Tenero , the teenagers come across the authoritarian scout leader Tutti several times and have to learn that they are not free in the camp either. Wrigley is leaving the camp. Eugen finds him on the lakeshore, where he defiantly wants to wait for death, because it will flourish for him anyway. When a ferryman appears in the fog, the two boys are convinced that it is death who comes to fetch them ( Dr Tod ). The ferryman turns out to be a man who is looking for two allegedly drowned boy scouts. Affected, Eugen and Wrigley help in his search, soon meet Sikki and Eglikurt and discover with horror that they themselves are the missing.

Back at the camp, the four friends have to scrub charred spaghetti cauldrons as punishment for Wrigley's disappearance and get into an argument. Soon they only see one way out of their mess: a meeting with Fritzli Bühler. Together they run away from the camp to look for the king of the rascals in Zurich and found a secret society against the injustice of the world ( Nume no ei Wäg zum Glück ).

Second act

Scout leader Tutti reported to the parents by phone about the escape from the camp and soon the four boys were wanted by the police all over Switzerland ( missing ). In Bodio , Eduard wants to prevent the large hand on the church clock from overtaking the small one, so he sticks his thumb between the hands. The incessant pounding of the bells caused by this and Eduard suddenly hanging from the church tower in his underpants put the village in an uproar. A policeman recognizes the missing and they narrowly escape ( Bodio's eternal clock ).

The new fame forces the boys to return to Central Switzerland via the Gotthard Pass . In order to prove that the racing cyclist Ferdy Kübler, whom he admired , drove down the north side of the Alps without braking, Bäschteli launched a daring race ( The Race ). This ends roughly for him in a chicken coop in Schattdorf and with a defective resignation. Eugen wants to repair his bike, but the chickens devour the butter-greased balls before they can be put back into the ball bearings. Eugen, Wrigley and Eduard come up with macabre methods - much to the chagrin of animal lover Bäschteli - how they can regain possession of the pellets ( animal abuse ). With the help of castor oil and sleeping pills, they ultimately succeed.

During a severe storm, the four runaways put up the tent in Zug in the dark . The following morning they are rudely chased away by the angry owner of the villa because their tent is in the middle of his flower bed. What is particularly embarrassing for boys is that they are exposed in front of Anna, the daughter of the villa owner. When Anna gives them croissants to strengthen them for the onward journey, each of the four has hit. Of course, no one shows this ( princess ).

Finally in Zurich the four friends are standing in front of Fritzli Bühler's house. To make an impression on their idol, they plan a robbery and break into the apartment. There they overpower Armand and quickly realize that this is the real son of a fake Fritz Bühler. When police officer Fritz Bühler, Armand's father, surprises them shortly afterwards in the apartment, the four claim, using false names and with the help of acting, that they are friends of Armand ( Wahri Fründschaft ).

A little later, in a backyard workshop at Klosbachstrasse 154, the friends finally meet the real Fritzli Bühler, the king of the rascals. They find out that he earns his living as a guitarist in a rock band and want to know from him what they have to do so that they can remain rascals forever and not have to grow up. Instead of an answer, Fritzli lights a fire on the roof of the workshop and claims that the house is on fire. Soon the boys get into Fritzli's game. Together they report the fire to the fire brigade, which arrives shortly afterwards and extinguishes it ( it burns!) . But when policeman Bühler also shows up, the camouflage of the four runaways is revealed. They are arrested and shipped to Bern.

Back in Bern, Eugen, who is now almost 14, is caught writing his book during class. The teacher confiscates the manuscript and later gives it back to Eugen with the necessary corrections and a hearty letter. Eugen decides not to finish writing the book, but swears that - no matter what else will happen until he grows up - he will always be a rascal (for the whole life ).

Fritzli Bühler celebrates a party with Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard and Bäschteli, where they appear together as a band ( Luusbuebe chöi mer blybe ).

Music numbers

first act

  • Sy Name isch Eugen (Overture) - Cast
  • My name is Eugen - Eugen
  • Sy name is Eugen - Cast
  • With dryzäh year cast
  • Eugen's Narrative Music I - Instrumental
  • Aunt Melanie - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli
  • Fritzli Bühler - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli
  • Attack of the giant cracker - instrumental
  • Eugen's Narrative Music II - Instrumental
  • Ritter Eisenhut speech - instrumental
  • Knight Eisenhut Battle - Instrumental
  • Eugen's Narrative Music III - Instrumental
  • Nightmare - Instrumental
  • Eugen's Narrative Music IV - Instrumental
  • What does she know? - Klameth, Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli
  • Nume a very simple step - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli
  • Like a miracle - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli & Cast
  • Ds Velo, du, ig u d'Strass - Tutti & Cast
  • Train ride - instrumental
  • Eugen's Narrative Music V - Instrumental
  • Night exercise - instrumental
  • Eugen's Narrative Music VI - Instrumental
  • Dr Tod - Wrigley & Cast
  • Eugen's Narrative Music VII - Instrumental
  • Nume no ei Wäg fortunately - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli & Cast

Second act

  • Missing - Tutti, Stalder, Pfister, Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli & Cast
  • Bodio's Eternal Clock - Instrumental
  • Eugen's Narrative Music VIII - Instrumental
  • The race - instrumental (quote "Übre Gotthard flüged Bräme" by Artur Beul )
  • Tierliquälerei - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli & Hühner
  • Eugen's Narrative Music IX - Instrumental
  • Princess - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli
  • Eugen's narrative music X - instrumental
  • True friendship - Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli, Armand, Mr. Bühler
  • Rocket Launch - Instrumental
  • It burns! - Fritzli Bühler, Eugen, Wrigley, Eduard, Bäschteli
  • Eugen's Narrative Music XI - Instrumental
  • Eugen's Narrative Music XII - Instrumental
  • My name isch Eugen - instrumental
  • The whole length of it - Eugen & Cast
  • Luusbuebe chöi mer blybe - Fritzli Bühler & Cast


In Dominik Flaschka's production, apart from Fritzli Bühler, the king of the rascals, all adults are shown with hand puppets.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A fun journey through time to Biederschweiz NZZ , article from March 7, 2016
  2. Musical "Mein Name ist Eugen" receives two awards NZZ , article from October 12, 2016
  3. Rascals forever and ever Der Landbote, article from March 7, 2016