Memoria del Saqueo - Chronicle of a looting

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German title Memoria del Saqueo - Chronicle of a looting
Original title Memoria del saqueo
Country of production Argentina , France , Switzerland
original language Spanish
Publishing year 2004
length 120 minutes
Director Fernando E. Solanas
script Fernando E. Solanas
production Pierre-Alain Meier,
Fernando E. Solanas
music Gerardo Gandini
camera Alejandro Fernández Mouján,
Fernando E. Solanas
cut Juan Carlos Macías,
Sebastián Mignogna,
Fernando E. Solanas

Memoria del Saqueo - Chronicle of a Looting , is a 2004 documentary directed by Fernando Solanas .


For a long time Argentina was regarded as a model student of the IMF - until the economic collapse that led to the uprising in 2001. The film tells the story of the "pillage" of Argentina since the establishment of the military dictatorship under Jorge Videla in 1976, by which Solanas means the indebtedness and privatization under Menem and other corrupt governments. He portrays the disastrous social consequences of neoliberal politics and the protest against them. All of this is done in a positivist manner; H. facts are piled on facts, the state and private property as such are not criticized. On the contrary: the good state (no corruption, welfare state etc.) is his implicit ideal. As 'experts', Solanas only interviews men, while women are responsible for the emotional testimony. In this respect he acts like Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 911 . Under the Néstor Kirchner government , the film was classified as educationally valuable and is shown to schoolchildren at reduced prices.


film-dienst 22/2004: “Memoria del Saqueo” is not a subtle film and certainly not a participatory observation, but a masterpiece of political agitation, entirely in line with Esfir Shubs or Santiago Alvarez, a discourse on the recovery of collective memory and one Ethics of togetherness. A film that is exemplary of the destructive forces of a corrupt, neoliberal world economy, far beyond the concrete example of Argentina.


The film was nominated for Best Film at the Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata 2004.

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