Meritites II.

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Meritites in hieroglyphics

Mrj.t-jt = s
" The one loved by her father "

Meritites II was a queen of the ancient Egyptian 6th dynasty . Your family classification is not certain but it is believed that they have a daughter of Pharaoh Pepi I was. She was married to a king named Neferkare, about whom nothing is known and is believed to be identical to Pepi II .


→ Main article Pepi-I-Pyramid # The pyramid of the Meritites II.

For Meritites II. A queen pyramid was built southwest of the pyramid of her father Pepi I. It was built on a natural hill and is now almost completely destroyed. It was discovered by French archaeologists in 1995 .


  • Michel Baud : Famille royale et pouvoir sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien. Tome 2 (= Bibliothèque d'Étude. Volume 126/2). Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 1999, ISBN 2-7247-0250-6 , p. 471 ( PDF; 16.7 MB ).
  • Aidan Dodson , Dyan Hilton: The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt . The American University in Cairo Press, London 2004, ISBN 977-424-878-3 , pp. 70-78.
  • Audran Labrousse , Jean Leclant : New discoveries of the Mission Archéologique Française de Saqqâra (campaigns 2001-2005) . In: Sokar, No. 13, 2006, p. 34.

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