Mesa (programming language)

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Mesa is an imperative programming language developed at Xerox PARC in the 1970s . It is similar to the ALGOL programming languages and was used, among other things, to program the Xerox Alto , one of the first computers with a graphical user interface (GUI) and later the Xerox Star Workstation. The GlobalView desktop environment was also developed using this programming language.

Mesa was in use from 1976 and was later developed into Cedar at Xerox Parc.

Because of this past, Xerox trained Mesa programmers were also typically very knowledgeable about the principles of GUI design, network environments, and other areas of computing that have helped Xerox advance computer science. Although Mesa was a very advanced programming language in its day, it was barely used outside of Xerox. Nevertheless, it influenced the IT industry significantly. Such was Steve Jobs from the Xerox Alto, developed on the Mesa, very impressed, so the design of the user interface of Apple's Lisa - and Macintosh Computer? Was significantly affected, which, ultimately, to the development of Microsoft Windows introduced, which in 1985 had its launch . Also Niklaus Wirth was influenced in the development of Modula-2 of them.

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