Mesocyclops leuckarti

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Mesocyclops leuckarti
Class : Maxillopoda
Subclass : Copepods (Copepoda)
Order : Cyclopoida
Family : Cyclopidae
Genre : Mesocyclops
Type : Mesocyclops leuckarti
Scientific name
Mesocyclops leuckarti
( Claus , 1857)

Mesocyclops leuckarti is a species of copepods . It is also known as a pond hopper .

The species reaches a length of about 1.3 millimeters and is mostly colorless. The first antenna consists of 17 sections. The ice bags are large and protruding. Approximately in the middle of the Furca branches are "outer bristles".

Mesocyclops leuckarti occurs as a floating form in ponds, ponds and quarry ponds. This species can be an important plankton in lakes .

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