Nicotiana cavicola

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Nicotiana cavicola
Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Tobacco ( Nicotiana )
Type : Nicotiana cavicola
Scientific name
Nicotiana cavicola

Nicotiana cavicola is a species of the genus tobacco ( Nicotiana ) in the family of the nightshade family (Solanaceae). The species occurs in Western Australia .


Nicotiana cavicola is a herbaceous plant up to 1 m high that is moderately hairy with glandular trichomes . The leaves arise from the base or the stems. They are broadly triangular to broadly heart-shaped, the leaves become narrower towards the top. The leaf blade is up to 20 cm long and 13 cm wide, the petiole reaches lengths of up to 11 cm and is broadly winged. The base of the leaves is occasionally ear-shaped and encompassing the stem.

The inflorescences are panicle-shaped , little branched, the lower bracts are foliage -like. The flowers have a calyx with a length of 7 to 25 mm. The corolla tube is usually 22 to 45 (rarely 18 to 50) mm long and at the end of the calyx tube 1 to 3.5 mm in diameter. The coronet has a diameter of 10 to 40 mm, the corolla lobes are usually blunt. The anthers of the upper four stamens are at the same height or at least almost at the same height, their stamens are usually up to 2.5 (occasionally up to 5) mm long. The fifth stamen has a stamen up to 6.5 (occasionally up to 14) mm long, which usually starts in the upper half of the corolla tube.

The fruit is an egg-shaped to broadly elliptical capsule with a length of 6 to 12 mm. The seeds are kidney-shaped, the surface of the seeds is curved like a honeycomb or irregularly folded.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 40.

Occurrence and locations

The species is found in the mid-west of the Australian state of Western Australia . It usually grows there in shady locations on breakthroughs and rocky outcrops.


  • RW Purdie, DE Symon and L. Haegi: Nicotiana cavicola . In: Solanaceae , Flora of Australia, Volume 29, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1982. p. 46. ISBN 0-642-07015-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nicotiana cavicola at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis