Metropolis skyscraper

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Metropolis skyscraper
Basic data
Place: Berliner Platz, Munster
Construction time : 2017
Use / legal
Usage : Living
Technical specifications
Height : 45 m
Height to the top: 45 m
Floors : 15 floors (above ground)
Height comparison
Munster : 5. ( list )
City: Muenster
Country: Germany

The Metropolis skyscraper is a 45 meter high residential building in Münster , Germany .


The building was erected on the site of the old Rex cinema, later Metropolis . The architects Andreas Deilmann and Rainer M. Kresing acquired the property from an insolvency estate. There are now plans to build a student residence on the site. The client and investor Deilmann originally planned a 60 meter high building, but this was not approved by the city administration. According to the city planning office, no high-rise buildings may be built on the property according to building regulations, but a project-related development plan could be adopted.

After the urban development concept was presented at a public hearing in March 2013, the architects submitted the draft for the project-related development plan no.558 from December 30, 2013 to January 30, 2014 for public inspection in town house 3.

A restaurant, a bakery and a wash bar were to be located on the ground floor, and office and common rooms were to be created on the floor above. The building complex should initially consist of two structures that are connected by a glass joint. After there was no cooperation with the Studentenwerk, some one-room apartments were rescheduled into two-room apartments, which should result in between 120 and 130 apartments.

Construction of the building began in spring 2015. The shell of the building was completed in April 2016.

The main purpose of the building is living. Thus there are 97 apartments and some student apartments in the building. There are also offices and dining facilities on the ground floor.

The building is 45 meters high and has 15 floors. The total volume of the building is 26,100 m³. The living space of the building is 4130 m² and 800 m² are available for the catering facilities. The construction costs amount to 11 million euros.


The planned 45 meter high building met with criticism from the people of Münster, as it would block the cathedral city's characteristic tower silhouette due to its proximity to the old town. In addition, there was criticism from the population who reject a boarding house near the train station. The real estate and location community Bahnhofsviertel expressed concerns of its members that the quarter could become a red light district in the course of the next decade if 156 barrier-free one-room apartments with a size of 25 to 28 square meters for single households in the 3rd to 13th floors the planned high-rise should arise after the originally planned cooperation with the student union no longer comes about. Architect Andreas Deilmann pointed out that a continuously manned reception should be housed in the apartment building, which is why a red light milieu could not establish itself in the building.

At the beginning of April 2013, the majority of the members of the ISG stated that they did not agree with the plans. The building is supported by the CDU and FDP . The SPD and Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen reject the construction project.


  1. ^ Metropolis high-rise, Münster | 1153449 | EMPORIS. Retrieved May 14, 2020 .
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  6. Westfälische Nachrichten : 45-meter high-rise building is taking shape: City invites citizens to an information event about the planned “station towers” , Münster, Münster, March 12, 2013
  7. Westfälische Nachrichten : Design Advisory Board finds the high-rise building too low now: New approach at the train station , Münster, Stefan Bergmann, October 16, 2013
  8. ^ Klaus Baumeister: No dormitory at the train station. Retrieved May 14, 2020 .
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  12. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten : Skyscraper at the train station: Danger for a unique tower silhouette , Münster, letters to the editor, February 13, 2013
  13. Dirk Anger: ISG is struggling with new high-rise plans at the train station. Retrieved May 14, 2020 .
  14. ^ Klaus Baumeister: Skyscraper at the train station: Investors want to rent out buildings themselves. Retrieved May 14, 2020 .
  15. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten : ISG is skeptical about high-rise plans at the train station: Survey of property owners / CDU supports project , Münster, Münster, April 6, 2013
  16. ^ Westfälische Nachrichten : FDP: Yes to the high-rise , Münster, Münster, March 26, 2013