Miško sanitarinės apsaugos tarnyba

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Miško sanitarinės apsaugos tarnyba (MSAT, "Office for Sanitary Forest Protection") was a Lithuanian forest authority for forest protection against tree diseases and forest pests , an organization in the field of forest pathology . According to the statute, it should " ensure good sanitation of Lithuanian forests (both state and private) and the sustainable functioning of forest ecosystems ". The most important tasks included the analysis and prediction of abiotic factors , diseases, forest damage by insects and animals. For pest control , the forest authority planned and undertook preventive and other protective measures such as disinfestation, etc. In the area of ​​forest protection, the forest authority prepared its recommendations on the factors that caused the forest pathology .

The seat of the forest authority was in the village of Girionys (Liepų g. 2), in the district of Kaunas .


In 1968 the Miško apsaugos stotis (German: "Station for Forest Protection") was founded in Soviet Lithuania . It registered the tree diseases, forest pests and the corresponding forest damage . The forest statistics data were also recorded. After 1991 the facility became a public institution of the Department of Forests and Protected Areas at the Ministry of the Environment of Lithuania ( Viešoji įstaiga "Miško apsaugos stotis" ). From August 7, 2002 to December 31, 2002, the establishment was liquidated .

On January 2, 2003, a separate authority (MSAT) was established and registered as a legal entity . MSAT was reorganized in 2010 with two other Lithuanian forest authorities ( Miško genetinių išteklių, sėklų ir sodmenų tarnyba and Valstybinė miškotvarkos tarnyba ). The functions of these authorities took over the newly founded Valstybinė miškų tarnyba . From 2001 to 2010 this forest protection authority was headed by the forest pathologist Paulius Zolubas . It was officially dissolved on January 26, 2010. Now there is a corresponding VMT department for forest protection ( Miško sanitarinės apsaugos skyrius ). Seven employees work here, headed by a department head. Six chief specialists each look after seven Lithuanian chief foresters (as of 2016).

Individual evidence

  1. Bylaws of the Forest Authority, January 5, 2006 ( Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos ministro 2006 m. Sausio 5 d. Įsakymu No. D1-4 patvirtinti Miško sanitarinės apsaugos tarnybos nuostatai )
  2. Dėl Žemės ūkio ministerijos, Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos ir Aplinkos ministerijos 1998 m. rugpjūčio 27 d. įsakymo No. 160/488/158 dalinio pakeitimo
  3. Dėl viešųjų įstaigų miško apsaugos stoties, miško sėklų kontrolės stoties ir miškų ekonomikos centro likvidavimo
  4. Konkursą Valstybinės miškų tarnybos direktoriaus pareigoms eiti laimėjo Paulius Zolubas
  5. Register data ( Memento of the original from February 18, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.infokatalogas.lt
  6. Website of the Department of Forest Protection ( Valstybinė miškų tarnyba )