Michael Basse (theologian)

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Michael Basse (born July 21, 1961 in Lünen ) is a Protestant church historian.


He studied Protestant theology and science of history at the Theological Seminary Bethel , the University of Bielefeld and the University of Bonn (1981-1987). After the first state examination (1987) he was a research assistant at the Ecumenical Institute of the University of Bonn (1987–1988). After the legal clerkship for the teaching post secondary school (1988–1990) and the second state examination (1990) he received a scholarship for graduate scholarships (1990–1991). From 1991 to 2005 he worked as a high school teacher in Bonn . After graduating as Dr. theol. at the University of Bonn (1993) and his habilitation in church history at the University of Bonn (1998), he was appointed private lecturer in 1999 and associate professor in 2005. In 2000 he had a teaching position at the University of Cologne . He held a chair in the subject of church history at the University of Bonn (2005–2006). The father of two children, who has been married since 1990, became a university professor for Ev. Theology with a focus on the history of the Church and theology at the University of Dortmund , where he was Vice Dean for Studies and Teaching (2012–2014) and Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Theology (2014–2016).

His work focuses on the late Middle Ages and the Reformation, 19th and 20th centuries and didactics of church history.

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