Michael Baumann (monk)

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Michael Baumann (* before 1460, † after 1478) was a German Cistercian monk in the Bronnbach monastery .


He dedicated 1478 to Count Johann III. von Wertheim (1454–1497) published a German-language natural history encyclopedia that has only come down to us in a single manuscript . It is located in the Princely Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg Library in Kreuzwertheim . A microfilm is available in the Wertheim State Archives .

Baumann's “world book ” with the title Buch von der natur vnd eygenschaff der dingk, die got der herre schuff is essentially a combination of two popular Latin works: The Liber de natura rerum by Thomas von Cantimpré (1201–1272? ) and the Compendium De rerum Proprietatibus by Bartholomaeus Anglicus (1st half of the 13th century). Further sources are the Commentarius in Symbolum Apostolorum by Rufinus of Aquileia and prayers from the letter of Jerome by Eusebius of Caesarea .

In 2003 Klára Berzeviczy presented a treatise on the text and a partial edition.


Individual evidence

  1. Entry of the manuscript in the manuscript census