Michael Düsing (Author)

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Michael Düsing (* 1947 in Freiberg ) is a German homeland researcher and author. He deals with Jewish life in the district of Central Saxony, in particular with the Holocaust .


Düsing completed his school education in Freiberg in 1966 with the Abitur. He then completed a course in Marxist-Leninist philosophy at the Humboldt University in Berlin until 1970 . Düsing received his doctorate in 1977 and 1985. He then became a research assistant at the Faculty of Social Sciences , and later a lecturer in Marxism-Leninism at the Freiberg Mining Academy . After the political change, Düsing was dismissed from the Bergakademie in 1990.

Between 1991 and 1992 he worked at Freiberg-Kolleg as a university teacher. Düsing then headed the Freiberg and Heidenau locations of the Christian Youth Village Association (CJD) Chemnitz until 2009 . He retired at the beginning of 2010. In the multi-generation house “Buntes Haus” in Freiberg, Düsing then ran the history workshop on a voluntary basis, which has since been taken over by the Eckert Schools in Freiberg.

He has been researching the life of Jews in Freiberg since the 1990s. Düsing later expanded his research to the area of ​​the Central Saxony district. Until then, the history of the Jews in Freiberg , which began in the middle of the 19th century after the ban on Jews from residing in the mining towns , was still unexplored. He continued the teaching project on Jewish life in Freiberg that he started at the Freiberg College in 1991 at the CJD. Between 2001 and 2004, as part of the Xenos project "Shalom" with the support of the Hatikva Association and the Dresden Education and Meeting Center for Jewish History and Culture, under the guidance of Heike Liebsch, the approx. 3,000 in the New Israelite Cemetery in Dresden were recorded. Düsing presented his research results in several publications and exhibitions, including a. in the Freiberg Nikolaikirche . On Düsing's initiative, several so-called “stumbling blocks” were laid in Freiberg, which are intended to remind of Jewish residents and their persecution during the National Socialist era.

For his work “My way, Lord Mayor, is already determined”. Persecution of Jews in Freiberg 1933–1945. Düsing was awarded the Saxon State Prize for Local Research in 2014. In the same year he was honored with the Freiberg Citizens' Prize for his commitment to coming to terms with the history of the Jews in Freiberg.

Düsing is married and has two daughters.


  • 2003: Andreas Möller History Prize of the Foundation for Art and Culture of the Kreissparkasse Freiberg and the Freiberger Altertumsverein eV
  • 2010: Saxon State Prize for Local Research , Certificate of Honor
  • 2014: Saxon State Prize for Local Research, 1st Prize
  • 2014: Citizens' Prize of the City of Freiberg


  • “Religious Socialism” in the Weimar Republic. An ideological and ideological analysis. (Dissertation), Freiberg 1977.
  • Protestant theology, controversial materialism and natural science in the epoch of the general crisis of capitalism until 1933 in Germany. (Dissertation B), Leipzig 1985.
  • Jewish life in the mountain town of Freiberg. A search for clues. Project work by a group of students at Freiberg Kolleg, self-published in 1992.
  • Jewish life in the mountain town of Freiberg. Part 2, self-published in 1995.
  • Ed .: Glück auf, my Freiberg! - Memories and life stories of Jewish citizens in the Saxon mining towns of Freiberg and Oederan. 1995.
  • Arr .: Chaim Don: The blood test. CJD Chemnitz in the Christlichen Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands eV, Norderstedt, Libri Books on Demand, ISBN 3-89811-829-0 .
  • Ed .: We were destined to die: Lódz - Theresienstadt - Auschwitz - Freiberg - Oederan - Mauthausen. Jewish female forced laborers remember. CJD Chemnitz. Forum Verlag Leipzig, 2002, ISBN 3-931801-27-6 .
  • The Freiberg department store Schocken - a search for clues, the university town of Freiberg. 2007.
  • Ed .: Stones against forgetting - Stolpersteine ​​in Freiberg. CJD-Geschichtswerkstatt Freiberg, Art.HOUR, 2011, ISBN 978-3-940475-17-6 .
  • Ed .: "My way, Lord Mayor, is already determined". Persecution of Jews in Freiberg 1933–1945. History workshop Freiberg, Art.HOUR, 2011, ISBN 978-3-940475-18-3 .
  • Ed .: Forced Labor for the Final Victory. How Jewish girls in Freiberg were forced to help build Hitler's “miracle weapons”. New reports and documents, Geschichtswerkstatt Freiberg, Art.HOUR, 2015, ISBN 978-3-940475-22-0 .

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