Michael Felsenbaum

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Michael rocks tree , Yiddish מיכאל פֿעלזענבאַום Mikhoel rocks tree (* 1951 in Vasylkiv , Ukrainian SSR ) is an Israeli , Yiddish brings writing writer and actor who also own works to the stage.


Felsenbaum grew up in Floreşti in the Moldavian SSR . He studied directing, drama and art history in Leningrad from 1969 to 1973 and worked as a director at the National Theater in Bălți in the Moldavian SSR from 1969 to 1973 . He taught as a lecturer at the National Pedagogical University, was the head of a Yiddish elementary school and in 1988 was co-founder and artistic director of the Yiddish theater "Menora" in Bălți. For a year he was also president of the Jewish community there.

In 1991 Felsenbaum emigrated to Israel and now lives in Ramla . He taught Judaism and the Yiddish language at the Scholem Aleichem elementary school in Cholon . From 1992 he was a leading member of the committee for the Jewish communities in Romania . For five years he worked as the director of a cultural center in Tel Aviv . In Germany he is a co-founder and consultant at the Yiddish Music and Theater Weeks in Dresden and has also been working as a lecturer at the Chair of Yiddish Studies at the University of Trier since 2008 .

Felsenbaum already wrote literary contributions in the Moldavian SSR in the 1980s in the Yiddish-language magazine “Heymland”. He has published a number of poetry and prose volumes in Yiddish, his poems and prose have appeared in Yiddish journals such as Di Goldene Keyt, ToplPunkt (both Israel), Di Pen (Oxford), Oyfn Shvel and Yidishe Kultur (both New York) . He is editor-in-chief of the literary journal Naye Vegn ("New Paths"). His novel Shabesdike Shvebelekh is attributed to postmodernism .


(Title in transliteration)

  • It kumt der tog, poems, Yidishe culture-gezelshaft, Jerusalem, 1992
  • A libe-regn, poems, Tel-Aviv, YL Peretz, 1994
  • The nakht-malekh, Tel-Aviv, YL Peretz, 1997
  • Un itst bin ikh dayn nign, poems, Tel-Aviv, Leyvik-farlag, 1998
  • Shabesdike shvebelekh, Roman, Tel-Aviv, Leyvik-farlag, 2004
  • Benkshaft, Poems, Tel-Aviv, Menoyre-farlag, 2007
  • A libe nokhn toyt, short stories, Tel-Aviv, Menoyre-farlag, 2009
  • Nostalgye / Nostalgie, poem, French-Yiddish, translated into French by Batia Baum, Menoyre-farlag / Bibliothèque Medem, Tel-Aviv / Paris 2009


  • Astrid Starck: La femme dans le théâtre yiddish dédié à Mikhoel Felsenbaum. Colloque, 23 & 24 November 2004. Université de Haute Alsace, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Mulhouse-Colmar 2004.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Université de Haute Alsace, Astrid Starck: Colloque, 23 & 24 November 2004: La femme dans le théâtre yiddish dédié à Mikhoel Felsenbaum. Soirée théâtrale et musicale, Detlev Hutschenreuter (Rocktheater de Dresde) et Valeriya Shishkova-Shtenberg. Université de Haute Alsace, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Mulhouse-Colmar 2004.
  2. FB II Yiddish Studies at Trier University
  3. Astrid Starck-Adler: Shabesdike shvebelekh. A postmodern novel by Mikhoel Felsenbaum. In: Joseph Sherman: Yiddish after the Holocaust. Edited by the Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Boulevard Books, Oxford 2004.