Michael Höllerzeder

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Michael Höllerzeder (born August 15, 1898 in Untergriesbach , † September 25, 1938 in Deggendorf ) was a German politician (KPD).

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Höllerzeder was a trained machine worker. After graduating from school in 1916, he took part in the First World War as a pioneer . After leaving the Reichswehr in 1919, he began to work for the German Woodworkers Association in trade unions and politics with the USPD . On January 1, 1920, he joined the Communist Party of Germany . From January 14, 1925 to December 14, 1925 he was imprisoned for the illegal continuation of the KPD, which was forbidden at that time.

Since 1929 Höllerzeder was a member of the city council of his hometown Deggendorf . In addition, he was head of the Deggendorf Oberkrankenkasse, assessor in the Deggendorf Labor Court and assessor in the Landshut Upper Insurance Office and assessor in the administrative committee of the Deggendorf Labor Office (until 1932). From 1932 to 1933 he sat for the KPD as a member of the Reichstag for the constituency of Upper Bavaria-Swabia . After the Reichstag fire of February 1933, he was arrested and taken to a concentration camp . Re-elected in the Reichstag elections in March 1933, he was unable to take up his mandate due to his imprisonment.

He was held in various concentration camps until 1934 , most recently in the Dachau concentration camp .


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Individual evidence

  1. Martin Schumacher: MDR. The Reichstag members of the Weimar Republic in the time of National Socialism , 1991, p. 289.