Michael Jacobus Macquelijn

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Michael Jacobus Macquelijn

Michael Jacobus Macquelijn (born September 16, 1771 in Delft , † April 4, 1852 in Leiden ) was a Dutch physician.


Michael Jacobus Macquelijn was the son of the trading captain Wouter Macquelijn and his wife Jacoba van der Smak. He had attended the Latin school in his hometown. In 1789 he began studying medicine at the University of Leiden , where he attended lectures by Eduard Sandifort , Nicolaus Georgius Oosterdijk , Nicolaas Smallenburg and Sebald Justinus Brugmans . After he received his doctorate in law on November 14, 1795 with the treatise de Vomitu , he became a medical practitioner in his hometown. In Delft he made a name for himself in 1798 with an award-winning work entitled Commentatio de lenta et difficili dentitione . He became a member of the Society for Arts and Sciences in Delft in February 1799 and worked from 1801 to 1815 as publisher and editor of Geneeskundig Magazyn . In 1806 he became a member of the provincial medical commission in The Hague.

In the course of time it gained an increasingly important name. Therefore, on September 18, 1824, he was appointed professor of practical medicine at the University of Leiden, which position he took up on October 2 of the same year with the speech Oratio de Medicinae practicae Doctore fideli artis Historico . Here he also took part in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1829/30 . He resigned from office with the speech Oratio de nonnullis philosophiae Naturalis partibus, cum institutione Medicinae arctius conjungendis . After he retired from his professorship in 1841, he held lectures for two years. He finally died almost completely blind. Only a few essays by him are known in the medical journals of his time in the Netherlands. Its importance lies primarily in the field of practical training for doctors in the Netherlands.

Macquelijn had married Petronella Johanna (Pierrotte Jeanette) van Egmond (born January 31, 1776 in Delft; † September 26, 1857 in Leiden) on November 16, 1789, the daughter Gijsbertus van Egmond and his wife Cornelia Margareta de Vechter. The children of the marriage are Wouter Macquelijn (* 1805; † November 3, 1835 in Utrecht) and Petronella Johanna Macquelijn (* October 18, 1814 in Delft; † April 4, 1871 in Out-Beijerland) and Cornelia Margaretha Maquelijn (* 23 December 1801 in Delft; † January 4, 1880 ibid.) Married to Jacobus Cornelis Broers , known.


  • PH Simon Thomas: MACQUELIJN (Michiel Jacobus) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 4. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 942–943 (Dutch, knaw.nl - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1918, reprint unchanged).
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem 1869, vol. 12, part 1, p. 53. ( online , Dutch)
  • Korte Biographieë van eenige Laatstelijk overledenen nederlandsche Geneeskunstoefenaren. In: L. Ali Cohen: Nieuw statistical-geneeskundig jaarboekje voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden voor 1852-1853. J. Noorduyn en Zoon, Gorichem, 1852, 6th year, p. 139. ( online )
  • August Hirsch , Ernst Julius Gurlt : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples . Volume IV, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig 1886, Vol. 4, p. 89.

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