Michael Jacques Lieb

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Michael Jacques Lieb

Michael Jacques Lieb (born July 3, 1956 in Trier ) is a German actor, acting teacher, storyteller and clinic clown.


MJL was born the son of the actor Jacques Lieb and the ballet dancer Ingrid Lieb, nee Schröder. After graduating from high school in Daun / Eifel in 1976 and completing his military service, he moved to Munich in the autumn of 1977 . There he began a two-year apprenticeship as a furrier and passed his journeyman's examination in 1979. He worked in this profession until 1980. Already shaped as a theater child, he attended the International School for Drama and Acting (Zinner-Studio) in Munich from 1981 while studying theater studies at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He graduated from acting in the summer of 1984.

His first engagement at the Residenztheater in Munich at the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel , directed by the renowned film and theater director Ingmar Bergman , was in the classic Dom Juan by Jean Baptiste Molière during his training . With this production he was represented at the Salzburg Festival in the summer of 1983 .

The first permanent engagement took place in 1984 at the Landestheater Coburg . In the following three years he played character roles in over 30 pieces such as B. the Andri in "Andorra" by Max Frisch, the Silvio in "The Servant of Two Lords" by Goldoni or the Andi in the two-person play "Burning Love" by Fitzgerald Kusz . Performances from Brecht to Shakespeare, from Bernhard to Büchner are part of the repertoire.

In 1987 Lieb went back to the Bavarian capital as a freelance actor. Since that time he has been represented in various different roles in theater, film and television productions.

Lieb has also been giving acting lessons since 1997.

From 1999 to 2000 Lieb played the leading role of the privateer Sir Francis Drake in the Terra-X game documentary "The Adventures of Sir Francis Drake" on behalf of Arte and ZDF. The film was shot on location in England, the Caribbean and Panama.

The one-man theater

In 1997 the actor founded the one-man theater Theatro Liebido in Munich. The premiere of the Urfaust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe took place on March 14, 1997 at INTERIM in Munich.

In the same year he went to Kenya with the Urfaust , to the German School in Nairobi (Michael-Grzimek-Gymnasium) and to the Kenyatta University there . In 1999 Michael J. Lieb was invited to the USA at Appalachian State University with his interpretation of the Urfaust .

The Theatro Liebido has set itself the task of bringing the Goeth classic in one person onto the stage. Lieb embodies all roles of the play itself, interactively with the involvement of the audience. Since 1999, Lieb has been going regularly to German grammar schools with the Urfaust in order to bring the college and high school graduates closer to the Faust material in a special way.

In the 1999 Goethe year, Lieb was invited to Frankfurt am Main in the role of the prince poet "Johann Wolfgang von Goethes" to bring excerpts from his works to the people on the streets and on public transport in the Main metropolis for four weeks. This big event inspired the actor and his Theatro Liebido to then appear in all possible classical and also in extraordinary figures. "Casanova, Goethe, Molière, Shakespeare, Villon, Kinski etc ... he plays them all" has been his motto ever since. Specially invented characters, such as the medieval Scottish Highlander poet "Michael McLove" or the impromptu fairy tale storyteller "Chaporello", who conjures up spontaneous stories out of a hat for children of all ages, complement his characters.

Since 2007 Lieb has also been working as a clinic clown . The clinic clowns, which are made up of professional artists, are usually in pairs and regularly visit children's clinics and retirement homes to give young and old children a laugh. The activity of the clinic clown cannot be compared to a circus clown.

Lieb has been working as an actor patient at Klinikum Rechts der Isar since 2008. The Technical University of Munich offers medical students the opportunity to use fictitious clinical pictures to practice "medical discussions" with professional actors, as so-called "acting patients". The patient and his / her role profile are applied as closely as possible to a real situation. The young students take this opportunity with great enthusiasm.

Since 2009, Lieb has almost completely withdrawn from the film and television business.

"Picasso" is the name of the new figure in Lieb's repertoire. It emerged in 2011 from almost a year of rehearsals with a flamenco group. The Theatro Liebido develops the figure further and tries to bring Picasso closer to the audience by playing the guitar, dancing flamenco, painting, and above all interactively, with almost unknown texts, poems and quotations from the great painter.

Filmography (selection)

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