Michael Mantels

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Michael Mantels (* before 1711 in Salzhemmendorf ; † 1747 ) was a Hanover high school teacher.


In 1711 Michael Mantels became a third-class teacher in the college of the old town school in the royal seat of Hanover and in 1716 he was sub-vice-principal of the educational institution. He died in 1747.


  • Britannia Mutuum magno cum foenore repetens, Cum Serenissimus & Potentissimus Princeps ac Dominus Georgius Ludovicus, Dux Brunsv. ac Luneburgensis. SRI Archithesaurarius & Elector, Dominus ac Pater Patriæ Clementissimus, Rex Magnæ Britanniæ d. Aug. 12, Anno MDCCXIV. Jure Hæreditario Rerum potiretur, submississima Congratulations ac perennaturae Regiæ Felicitatis apprecatione interpretari voluit, debuit, Sacræ Regiæ Majestatis Ejus subjectissimus Servus Michael Mantels, Sch. Hann. College. Typis Holweinii, Hannoveræ 1714, digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library .
  • Cum Serenissimi & Potentissimi Principis ac Domini Georgii Imi. Magnæ Britanniæ Regis, Defensor Fidei, Dvcis Brvnsv. & Lvneb. SRI Archithes. & Elect. Auspicatissimo ex Anglia in Terras Brunsv. Reditu In Vitam qvasi Rediens Trifolivm Hannoveranvm Sacræ Regiæ Majestati qvam humillime gratulabandum sistist devotissimus civis Michael Mantels, Scholæ Hannov. Sub-Con-Rector. Hannoveræ 1716.
  • Beatissimis Manibus Viri Nobilissimi & Amplissimi Domini Johannis Erici Schilden, Regiæ Maj. Britann. Electoralis Cameræ Præfecti Supremi, Avum Anno ætatis post Climatericum Magnum Primo inopina ... decederet, & Exanime Corpus D. VII. Junii MDCCXVII. Typis Holvveinianis, Hannoveræ 1717.
  • The sun setting towards the east and rising again in the west wanted / As the Weyland ... Herr George the First, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland ... Hertzog zu Braunschw. and Lüneb. ... On the journey to Dero Teutschen Provintzen on June 22nd, 1727. ... took an unexpected, but most blissful farewell from this world, and thereupon the ... Herr Georg der Ander, King of Great Britain, France and Irrland ... The most glorious government took office, out of the most insolent duty and obligation to introduce M. Mantels, the Hanoverian Old Town School, SC Rector. Holweinische Buchdruckerey, Hanover 1727.

Individual evidence

  1. a b o. V .: Biographical news from Redeckers Chronik (conclusion) , in: Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter , Volume 15 (1912), pp. 200-218; here: p. 202; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library