Michael Roden

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Portrait of Prof. Dr.  Michael Roden
Michael Roden

Michael Roden (born February 11, 1961) is an internist, endocrinologist and diabetologist. He is professor and chair holder for internal medicine, endocrinology and metabolic disorders at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (HHU), director of the clinic for endocrinology and diabetology at the University Hospital Düsseldorf (UKD) and spokesman for the board and scientific director of the German Diabetes Center ( DDZ) .


After graduating from the Academic Gymnasium Vienna and receiving his doctorate as Dr. med. univ. 1986 at the University of Vienna , he was first assistant at the Pharmacological Institute and from 1988 worked at the 1st Medical University Clinic of the University of Vienna, where he acquired the Venia legendi in 1994 as a university lecturer for internal medicine. As Max Kade Fellow he researched 1994/1995 at the Department of Endocrinology of the Yale University , before returning as a senior physician at the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University Department of Internal Medicine III at the General Hospital of Vienna and the 1997 extraordinary university professor appointed has been. From 2003 to 2009 he was head of the 1st Medical Department with the Department of Nephrology at the Hanusch Hospital in Vienna and, from 2005, director of the Karl Landsteiner Institute for Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases. After accepting the call to Düsseldorf, he also became a board member of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD eV) in 2009 . In 2016 he was appointed by the Federal President as a member of the Science Council of the Federal Government and the governments of the federal states and has been Chairman of the Medical Committee there since 2017. As President, he led the 54th Annual Meeting of the German Diabetes Society (DDG) in 2019 under the motto “Diabetes - not just a question of type”.

Research priorities

Michael Roden researches the energy metabolism of humans under physiological conditions as well as metabolic disorders such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD / NASH). He made important contributions to the understanding of the cellular mechanisms of fatty acid and amino acid induced insulin resistance in humans. He then studied the function of the mitochondria in muscles and liver, where he and his group contributed to the development of new methods of metabolic analysis in real time. The studies showed that the mitochondrial function can have a decisive influence on the development and course of diabetes and NAFLD. His latest studies describe subtypes of diabetes at varying risk of its consequences and point the way to precision medicine for people with diabetes.

Roden is the author of more than 500 peer-reviewed publications, co-author of national and international guidelines and editor of the book "Clinical Diabetes Research: Methods and Techniques". According to the Scopus database, it has an h-index of 77.


  • 2001: Ferdinand-Bertram Prize of the German Diabetes Society (DDG)
  • 2001: Novartis (Sandoz) Prize for Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Austria
  • 2004: International Novartis Award for Innovative Patient Oriented Research
  • 2006: ESCI (Mack-Foster) Award for Excellence in Clinical Sciences
  • 2006: Oskar-Minkowski Prize of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
  • 2013: Honorary doctorate from the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade
  • 2014: Somogyi Award of the Hungarian Diabetes Society (Magyar Diabetes Társaság)
  • 2016: Honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • 2017: Paul Langerhans Medal of the German Diabetes Society (DDG)
  • 2018: GB Morgagni Prize and Gold Medal Career Achievement
  • 2019: Scientific Advisory Board of the Medical University of Vienna, Austria



  • Clinical diabetes research. Methods and techniques. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, England Hoboken, NJ 2007, ISBN 978-0-470-01728-9 .


More essays

  • M. Roden, GI Shulman: Integrative biology of type 2 diabetes. In: Nature. Vol. 576, 2019, pp. 51-60. doi: 10.1038 / s41586-019-1797-8
  • S. Gancheva, M. Ouni, T. Jelenik, C. Koliaki, J. Szendroedi, D. Markgraf, E. de Fillipo, C. Herder, M. Jähnert, K. Strassburger, M. Schlensak, A. Schürmann, M Roden: Dynamic changes of muscle insulin sensitivity after metabolic surgery. In: Nat. Commun. Vol. 10, 2019, p. 4179. doi: 10.1038 / s41467-019-12081-0
  • OP Zaharia, K. Strassburger, A. Strom, GJ Bönhof, Y. Karusheva, S. Antoniou, K. Bódis, DF Markgraf, V. Burkart, K. Müssig, JH Hwang, O. Asplund, L. Groop, E. Ahlqvist, J. Seissler, P. Nawroth, S. Kopf, SM Schmid, M. Stumvoll, AFH Pfeiffer, S. Kabisch, S. Tselmin, HU Häring, D. Ziegler, O. Kuss, J. Szendroedi, M. Roden : Risk of diabetes-associated diseases in subgroups of patients with recent-onset diabetes: a 5-year follow-up study. In: Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. Vol. 7, No. 9, 2019, pp. 657-736. doi: 10.1016 / S2213-8587 (19) 30187-1
  • S. Gancheva, T. Jelenik, E. Álvarez-Hernández, M. Roden: Interorgan Metabolic Crosstalk in Human Insulin Resistance. In: Physiological Reviews. Volume 98, No. 3, 2018, ISSN  0031-9333 , pp. 1371-1415. doi: 10.1152 / physrev.00015.2017
  • E. Álvarez-Hernández, S. Kahl, A. Seelig, P. Begovatz, M. Irmler, Y. Kupriyanova, B. Nowotny, P. Nowotny, C. Herder, C. Barosa, F. Carvalho, J. Rozman, S. Neschen, JG Jones, J. Beckers, MH de Angelis, M. Roden: Acute dietary fat intake initiates alterations in energy metabolism and insulin resistance. In: J. Clin. Invest. Vol. 127, No. 2, 2017, pp. 695-708. doi: 10.1172 / JCI89444
  • C. Koliaki, J. Szendroedi, K. Kaul, T. Jelenik, P. Nowotny, F. Jankowiak, C. Herder, M. Carstensen, M. Krausch, WT Knoefel, M. Schlensak, M. Roden: Adaptation of hepatic Mitochondrial function in humans with non-alcoholic fatty liver is lost in steatohepatitis. In: Cell Metab. Vol. 21, No. 5, 2015, pp. 739-46. doi: 10.1016 / j.cmet.2015.04.004
  • J. Szendroedi, T. Yoshimura, E. Phielix, C. Koliaki, M. Marcucci, D. Zhang, T. Jelenik, J. Müller, C. Herder, P. Nowotny, GI Shulman, M. Roden: Role of diacylglycerol activation of PKCθ in lipid-induced muscle insulin resistance in humans. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Volume 111, No. 26, 2014, ISSN  0027-8424 , pp. 9597-9602. doi: 10.1073 / pnas.1409229111
  • AI Schmid, J. Szendroedi, M. Chmelik, M. Krssak, E. Moser, M. Roden: Liver ATP Synthesis Is Lower and Relates to Insulin Sensitivity in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. In: Diabetes Care. Volume 34, No. 2, 2011, ISSN  0149-5992 , pp. 448-453. doi: 10.2337 / dc10-1076
  • M. Krebs, M. Krssak, E. Bernroider, C. Anderwald, A. Brehm, M. Meyerspeer, P. Nowotny, E. Roth, W. Waldhausl, R. Roden: Mechanism of Amino Acid-Induced Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance in Humans. In: Diabetes. Volume 51, No. 3, 2002, ISSN  0012-1797 , pp. 599-605. doi: 10.2337 / diabetes.51.3.599
  • M. Roden, M. Krssak, H. Stingl, S. Gruber, A. Hofer, C. Furnsinn, E. Moser, W. Waldhausl: Rapid impairment of skeletal muscle glucose transport / phosphorylation by free fatty acids in humans. In: Diabetes. Volume 48, No. 2, 1999, ISSN  0012-1797 , pp. 358-364. doi: 10.2337 / diabetes.48.2.358

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Science Council - Medicine. Retrieved February 3, 2020 .
  2. ^ German Diabetes Society: German Diabetes Society with 54th Diabetes Congress in Berlin: Diabetes classification, remission and gender-related aspects. Retrieved February 4, 2020 .
  3. Sofiya Gancheva, Tomas Jelenik, Elisa Álvarez-Hernández, Michael Roden: Inter organ Metabolic crosstalk in human insulin resistance . In: Physiological Reviews . tape 98 , no. 3 , 2018, ISSN  0031-9333 , p. 1371-1415 , doi : 10.1152 / physrev.00015.2017 .
  4. Elisa Álvarez Hernández, Sabine Kahl, Anett Seelig, Paul Begovatz, Martin Irmler, Yuliya Kupriyanova, Bettina Nowotny, Peter Nowotny, Christian Herder, Cristina Barosa, Filipa Carvalho, Jan Rozman, Susanne Neschen, John G. Jones, Johannes Beckers, Martin Hrabě de Angelis, Michael Roden: Acute dietary fat intake initiates alterations in energy metabolism and insulin resistance . In: Journal of Clinical Investigation . tape 127 , no. 2 , 2017, ISSN  0021-9738 , p. 695-708 , doi : 10.1172 / JCI89444 .
  5. ^ A b Norbert Stefan, Michael Roden: Diabetes and Fatty Liver . In: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes . tape 127 , S 01, 2019, ISSN  0947-7349 , p. S93-S96 , doi : 10.1055 / a-0984-5753 .
  6. Maria Apostolopoulou, Ruth Gordillo, Chrysi Koliaki, Sofia Gancheva, Tomas Jelenik, Elisabetta De Filippo, Christian Herder, Daniel Markgraf, Frank Jankowiak, Irene Esposito, Matthias Schlensak, Philipp E. Scherer, Michael Roden: Specific Hepatic Sphingolipids Relate to Insulin Resistance , Oxidative Stress, and Inflammation in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis . In: Diabetes Care . tape 41 , no. 6 , 2018, ISSN  0149-5992 , p. 1235-1243 , doi : 10.2337 / dc17-1318 .
  7. Julia Szendroedi, Toru Yoshimura, Esther Phielix, Chrysi Koliaki, Mellissa Marcucci, Dongyan Zhang, Tomas Jelenik, Janette Müller, Christian Herder, Peter Nowotny, Gerald I. Shulman, Michael Roden: Role of diacylglycerol activation of PKCθ in lipid-induced muscle insulin resistance in humans . In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . tape 111 , no. 26 , 2014, ISSN  0027-8424 , p. 9597-9602 , doi : 10.1073 / pnas.1409229111 .
  8. M. Roden, M. Krssak, H. Stingl, S. Gruber, A. Hofer, C. Furnsinn, E. Moser, W. Waldhausl: Rapid impairment of skeletal muscle glucose transport / phosphorylation by free fatty acids in humans . In: Diabetes . tape 48 , no. 2 , 1999, ISSN  0012-1797 , pp. 358-364 , doi : 10.2337 / diabetes.48.2.358 .
  9. M. Krebs, M. Krssak, E. Bernroider, C. Anderwald, A. Brehm, M. Meyerspeer, P. Nowotny, E. Roth, W. Waldhausl, R. Roden: Mechanism of Amino Acid-Induced Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance in Humans . In: Diabetes . tape 51 , no. 3 , 2002, ISSN  0012-1797 , p. 599-605 , doi : 10.2337 / diabetes.51.3.599 .
  10. AI Schmid, J. Szendroedi, M. Chmelik, M. Krssak, E. Moser, M. Roden: Liver ATP Synthesis Is Lower and Relates to Insulin Sensitivity in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes . In: Diabetes Care . tape 34 , no. 2 , 2011, ISSN  0149-5992 , p. 448-453 , doi : 10.2337 / dc10-1076 .
  11. O. Kunert, H. Stingl, E. Rosian, M. Krššák, E. Bernroider, W. Seebacher, K. Zangger, P. Staehr, V. Chandramouli, BR Landau, P. Nowotny, W. Waldhäusl, E. Haslinger, M. Roden: Measurement of Fractional Whole-Body Gluconeogenesis in Humans From Blood Samples Using 2H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy . In: Diabetes . tape 52 , no. 10 , 2003, ISSN  0012-1797 , p. 2475–2482 , doi : 10.2337 / diabetes.52.10.2475 .
  12. Sofiya Gancheva, Meriem Ouni, Tomas Jelenik, Chrysi Koliaki, Julia Szendroedi, Frederico GS Toledo, Daniel F. Markgraf, Dominik H. Pesta, Lucia Mastrototaro, Elisabetta De Filippo, Christian Herder, Markus Jähnert, Jürgen Weiss, Klaus Strassburger, Matthias Schlensak, Annette Schürmann, Michael Roden: Dynamic changes of muscle insulin sensitivity after metabolic surgery . In: Nature Communications . tape 10 , no. 1 , 2019, ISSN  2041-1723 , doi : 10.1038 / s41467-019-12081-0 .
  13. Chrysi Koliaki, Julia Szendroedi, Kirti Kaul, Tomas Jelenik, Peter Nowotny, Frank Jankowiak, Christian Herder, Maren Carstensen, Markus Krausch, Wolfram Trudo Knoefel, Matthias Schlensak, Michael Roden: Adaptation of Hepatic Mitochondrial Function in Humans with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Is Lost in Steatohepatitis . In: Cell Metabolism . tape 21 , no. 5 , 2015, ISSN  1550-4131 , p. 739-746 , doi : 10.1016 / j.cmet.2015.04.004 .
  14. Oana P Zaharia, Klaus Strassburger, Alexander Strom, Gidon J Bönhof, Yanislava Karusheva, Sofia Antoniou, Kálmán Bódis, Daniel F Markgraf, Volker Burkart, Karsten Müssig, Jong-Hee Hwang, Olof Asplund, Leif Groop, Emma Ahlqvist, Jochen Seissler , Peter Nawroth, Stefan Kopf, Sebastian M Schmid, Michael Stumvoll, Andreas FH Pfeiffer, Stefan Kabisch, Sergey Tselmin, Hans U Häring, Dan Ziegler, Oliver Kuss, Julia Szendroedi, Michael Roden: Risk of diabetes-associated diseases in subgroups of patients with recent-onset diabetes: a 5-year follow-up study . In: The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology . tape 7 , no. 9 , 2019, ISSN  2213-8587 , p. 684-694 , doi : 10.1016 / S2213-8587 (19) 30187-1 .
  15. Jürgen Harreiter, Michael Roden: Diabetes mellitus - definition, classification, diagnosis, screening and prevention (Update 2019) . In: Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift . tape 131 , S1, 2019, ISSN  0043-5325 , p. 6-15 , doi : 10.1007 / s00508-019-1450-4 .
  16. EASL-EASD-EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease . In: Journal of Hepatology . tape 64 , no. 6 , 2016, ISSN  0168-8278 , p. 1388-1402 , doi : 10.1016 / j.jhep.2015.11.004 .
  17. Michael Roden: Clinical diabetes research: methods and techniques . John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, England Hoboken, NJ 2007, ISBN 978-0-470-01728-9 .
  18. ^ German Diabetes Society: Winner of the Paul Langerhans Medal. Retrieved February 3, 2020 .
  19. Professor Michael Roden receives Morgagni Gold Medal 2018 - German Diabetes Center (DDZ). German Diabetes Center, November 8, 2018, accessed on February 3, 2020 .