Michael Scharbe

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Michael Scharbe (* 1650 in Cottbus , Electorate of Brandenburg ; † 1723 in Lübben , Niederlausitz , Electorate of Saxony ) was a German painter who designed altar paintings and interior decoration in some churches in Niederlausitz.


Since 1679 Scharbe created altar paintings and painted pulpits, wooden baptismal fonts, a baptismal angel and galleries in various churches in Lower Lusatia. He died in Lübben in 1723, and there was an elaborately designed tombstone in the churchyard there.


From inscriptions in the back walls of the altar are known

Due to the great stylistic similarity, he probably also painted

  • Gebersdorf church, altar painting, pulpit, gallery parapets
  • Groß Leine church , pulpit and two small altar paintings


Sons or close relatives were likely

  • Johann Friedrich Scharbe, 1727 court painter in Dresden
  • Johann Michael Scharbe, painter in Dresden in 1728
  • Michael Friedrich Scharbe, 1740 court painter in Dresden


  • Rudolf Bönisch: Evangelist pictures on the choir stalls in St. Marien Salzwedel. In: 86th annual report of the Altmark Association for Patriotic History in Salzwedel. Salzwedel 2016. pp. 93–121, here p. 102 PDF

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Bernoulli : Collection of short travel descriptions. Berlin 1781. p. 212 ; the first name is not written on the tombstone, but due to the design it can only have been Michael Scharbe.
  2. Hartmut F. Reck: You no longer knew how beautiful the church was inside . In: Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung , December 20, 2013, on the website of the Förderkreis Alte Kirchen Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.
  3. Evangelical Church District Zossen-Fläming Synodal Committee for Public Relations (Ed.): Between Heaven and Earth - God's Houses in the Church District Zossen-Fläming , Laserline GmbH, Berlin, p. 180, 2019
  4. Werner Ziems: Baptism angel in Niederlausitz . In: Annegret Gehrmann, Dirk Schumann (ed.): Village churches in Niederlausitz . Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2011. pp. 341–358, here pp. 342f.
  5. ^ Rudolf Bönisch: The evangelist pictures on the choir stalls in St. Marien Salzwedel. In: 86th annual report of the Altmark Association for Patriotic History in Salzwedel. Salzwedel 2016. pp. 93–121, here p. 102 PDF
  6. General artist lexicon . Second part. Zurich 1810. p. 1471