Uckro village church

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Uckro village church

The Protestant village church Uckro is a stone church in Uckro , a district of the city of Luckau in the Dahme-Spreewald district in Brandenburg .


The exact date of construction of the sacred building is not known. The Dehio Handbook only vaguely specifies the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th century as the date of construction. Around 1700 the church received an organ . In the first third of the 18th century added parish a Patronatsloge added and built a pulpit rise on the southeast corner of the nave one. Presumably at the same time the top of the west tower was rebuilt. Between 1904 and 1905, the Schuke company from Potsdam installed a new organ for 2,044 Reichsmarks. It was restored in 1981, 1995 and 2005. Since 1970 the parish has used the patronage box as a community room. In 1995 the church was extensively restored; The lodge followed in 2010 and 2011.


The hall church was built with a rectangular floor plan made of field stones . Except for the corner stones, they are uncut and layered in the lower area. The lines run in the upper half of the structure. The choir is rectangular and drawn in, while the church tower, although also has a rectangular floor plan, protrudes conspicuously from the alignment of the nave walls. On the south side of the nave there are two large, segment-arched windows, the shape of which is emphasized again by plastered fins . Between the two windows a much smaller opening covered with masonry can be seen. The already mentioned stairway to the pulpit is located between the nave and the choir . It is built from unevenly layered field stones and here, too, a clogged opening can be seen in the eastern area. In the choir there are two further windows on the north and south sides, while the originally existing lanceolate group of three windows in the east wall was filled with fragments of the wall . The gable is also built from unevenly layered, small field stones, which were supplemented with splinters and bricks. The baroque patron s box dominates the north side of the nave . The rectangular building made of field and wall stones is strictly structured on its north side with three large windows on the upper floor . Underneath there is a rectangular door on the outside with a rectangular window in between. All openings, as well as the corners of the building, are highlighted with light-colored plaster and a keystone. On the western side of the lodge, two windows, each at the same height, are clogged with red brick. In the western area of ​​the north wall of the nave there is a pointed arch portal added with field and wall stones. The church tower made of field stones was also rebuilt. On the north and south sides of the ground floor there is an arched window. At about the level of the eaves of the nave, the viewer can see a small, blocked opening. This opening is still present on the south side. Above the height of the eaves, the builders did not use field stones, but an octagonal framework made of dark wood, the compartment of which was filled with reddish brick. There is a rectangular sound arcade on four of the eight sides , which ends in a curved tower dome with a lantern , tower ball , weather vane and cross.


The furnishings include an altarpiece that was created around 1700 and restored in 1975. It shows the Lord's Supper in the predella and the crucifixion of Christ , flanked by the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ, in its main image, which is divided into three fields by columns of vine leaves . Above the main picture, the ascension between two angels with instruments of suffering is shown. The side altar cheeks have been missing since the restoration. The work created the Calauer cabinetmaker George Wolschke and the Lübbener barrel painter Michael plaice , for example, in the Parish Church of St. Sebastian (Baruth / Mark) or Gollmitz (Calau) were active. The pulpit is decorated with corner pillars; above it hangs a sound cover with a trumpet angel. This includes an altar stalls with a donor's coat of arms of the governor of the Lower Lusatia margravate Siegmund Seyfried von der Dahm , who died in 1710. The fifth is made of wood, is hexagonal and has the shape of a table. It dates from the 18th century. A crucifix from the 16th century is attached to the south wall . It is flanked by two glass paintings on the south wall from 1911, which are a gift from Margarete von Uckro and show "The sinking Peter" and "Christ in Gethsemane " as motifs . Next to the west gallery there is also a Gothic sacrament niche on the east wall . In the patron's box there is a mortuary tablet for Ernst Siegmund von Rex, who died in 1756, and two children's grave stones from the family at the box entrance. The flat interior ceiling is plastered and decorated with a stucco molding.


Web links

Commons : Uckro village church  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 51 ′ 12.7 "  N , 13 ° 36 ′ 34"  E