Michael Stroke

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Memorial stele for Michael Strich in Munich

Michael Strich (born March 22, 1881 in Berlin , † November 25, 1941 in Kaunas ) was a German historian .


Michael Strich's parents came from Międzychód , then Birnbaum. His father was a businessman, his mother was related to the businessman Hermann Tietz . Strich studied history and literary history and received his doctorate in 1907 at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. From 1909 to 1914 he went on study trips to other European countries, in the First World War he was a soldier and was honored as a front-line fighter. He then worked as a private scholar and author of essays and books on modern history. Strich, who was Jewish, married a Catholic and converted to Catholicism in 1935. The couple had a daughter. On November 20, 1941, he was taken from Munich to Kaunas in the first deportation train and murdered there.

Works (selection)

  • Liselotte and Louis XIV . Oldenbourg, Munich 1912.
  • Liselotte of the Electoral Palatinate . Ullstein AG, Berlin 1925.
  • The Kurhaus Bavaria in the age of Louis XIV and the European powers . Published by the Commission for Bavarian State History . Munich 1933.


In November 2019, a memorial stele was attached to Michael Strich's former home at Clemensstrasse 41 as part of the Memorial Signs for Victims of the Nazi Regime project in Munich . Strich had lived there since 1920, he was the owner of the house. In 1939, his home was expropriated.


  • Angelika Krebs, Barbara Hutzelmann: Dr. Michael Stroke. City of Munich, accessed on November 21, 2019 (biography in the Memorial Signs project).

Individual evidence

  1. Reminder for Nazi victims Dr. Michael Stroke. In: Rathaus Umschau 218/2019 from November 15, 2019