Mikhail Nikolayevich Platov

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Mikhail Platov

Mikhail Nikolajewitsch Platow (born June 5, 1883 in Riga , † probably August or September 1938 in Kargopol ) was a Latvian chess composer of Russian origin. With his brother Wassili , he is considered a pioneer in the field of endgame studies. In 1914 and 1928 the two collections published their works under the title Sbornik schachmatnych etjudow .

life and work

Mikhail Platov was an engineer. He left Moscow and ran a kolkhoz in Serpukhov . Because of critical political statements, he was sentenced to ten years in a labor camp as part of the Great Terror , in which he probably died in August or September 1938. Platow's last sign of life was a letter dated August 22, 1938, while parcels sent to him in late 1938 were being returned.


The following study by the Platov brothers was well known in the Soviet Union because it was praised by Lenin in a letter written in 1910 to his brother Dimitri.

Wassili and Michail Platow
Rigaer Tageblatt, 1909
1st prize
  a b c d e f G H  
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  a b c d e f G H  
White to move wins

Template: checkerboard / maintenance / new


1. Be7-f6 d5-d4

2. Ng1 – e2! a2-a1D

3. Ne2 – c1!

The punch line. After 3. Bxd4 +? Qxd4 4. Nxd4 Kxd4 5. Kg4 Kxd3 6. Kg5 Ke4 7. Kh6 Kf5 White could no longer win. Now threatens 4. Bg5 matt . After Hinlenkung 3. ... Dxc1 would the lady with a runner skewer lost; on 3.… h6 renewed 4. Be5! the threat is crucial. If Black prevents the threat of mate with

3.… Da1 – a5

so that is a further steering towards a knight fork

4. Bf6xd4 + Ke3xd4 or Ke3 – d2

5. Sc1-b3 +

along with a queen's win and an easily won position.


  • В. Н. Платов: 150 избранных современных этюдов. Издательство высшего и московского советов физической культуры. Москва, 1925.
  • В. и М. Платовы: Сборник шахматных этюдов. Государствкенное издательство, Москва, Ленинград, 1928
  • Timothy G. Whitworth: The Platov Brothers , Cambridge 1994. ISBN 0-9509173-1-1

Individual references and sources

  1. ^ A b Timothy G. Whitworth: The Platov Brothers - Their Chess Endgame Studies , Cambridge 1994. pp. 9-10