Michelangelo Cerquozzi

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Example of Michelangelo Cerquozzi's Bambocciade painting

Michelangelo Cerquozzi , called delle Battaglie and delle Bambocciate (born February 18, 1602 in Rome ; died April 6, 1660 there ) was an Italian baroque painter .


Cerquozzi was the son of the leather merchant Marcello Cerquozzi and his wife Lucia (née Vassalli). At the age of twelve he went to the school of Giuseppe Cesari , called il Cavaliere d'Arpino , then to that of the Flemish Jacob de Hase , who was popular in Rome at the time for his battle paintings. Cerquozzi also began to paint battles, but also still lifes, and he got used to keen observation of nature. Before he was 20, he painted a picture for the Spanish ambassador. This was followed by a phase of illness and hardship, from which the painter Domenico Viola , with whom he was friends, saved him.

Around 1625, Pieter van Laer popularized the Bambocciade painting in Rome. Cerquozzi embraced this new style with zeal and success and quickly showed a strong natural talent for it. His pictures quickly found many enthusiasts, so that he became prosperous and was able to buy a house between the Piazza di Spagna and the Villa Medici . He also supported other painters financially, such as Jacques Courtois, who came to Rome from France .

From 1634 he was a member of the Accademia di San Luca .

His students are the painters Francesco Corti and Bonaventura Giovanelli .


Web links

Commons : Michelangelo Cerquozzi  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files