Mihai Marinescu (politician)

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Mihai Marinescu , maiden name Mihai Graur '(born November 22, 1917 in Bârca , Dolj district ; † 2000 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , the under between 1969 and 1972 and again from 1974 to 1978 Vice President of the Council of Ministers.


After attending school, Marinescu began studying at the Faculty of Electromechanics of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest , which he graduated in 1941. He then worked as an electromechanical engineer and in 1946 became a member of the Communist Party of Romania PCdR (Partidul Comunist din România) . He was also a graduate of the Evening University for Marxism-Leninism. On March 6, 1963 he was Vice Minister for Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering and on February 1, 1964 Vice Minister for the Mechanical Engineering Industry, before he was Minister for the Mechanical Engineering Industry (Ministrul industriei materialelor de construcții) from March 18, 1965 to March 13, 1969 . At the Ninth Party Congress of the PCR (19 to 24 July 1965) he became a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the PCR, of which he was a member until the Twelfth Party Congress of the PCR (19 to 23 November 1979). On January 14, 1968, Marinescu became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) for the first time and represented there first constituency no. 10 Zărneşti and then from 1975 to 1980 constituency no. 5 Săcele .

On March 13, 1969, Marinescu first took over the post as Vice President of the Council of Ministers (Vicepreședinte al Consiliului de Miniștri) , which he held until October 13, 1972. At the same time he acted between September 23, 1971 and October 13, 1972 as Minister for the technical and material supply and control of the permanent management resources (Ministrul Aprovizionării Tehnico-Materiale și Controlului Gospodăririi Fondurilor Fixe) and then from October 13, 1972 to the 4th December 1974 as first vice-president of the Economic Council. On December 4, 1974 he was again Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and held this office until March 7, 1978. In addition, between December 4, 1974 and March 7, 1978 he held the post of President of the State Committee for Planning (Președintele Comitetului de Stat al Planificării) . In this capacity he was also a member of the Defense Council of the Socialist Republic of Romania between March 18, 1975 and March 7, 1978 . His last position was from March 7, 1978 to March 2, 1983, First Vice-President of the Council for Economic-Social Organization.

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