Mijo Gorski

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Mijo Gorski coat of arms

Mijo Gorski (born September 17, 1952 in Mihovljan , SR Croatia , Yugoslavia ) is auxiliary bishop in Zagreb .


Mijo Gorski received on 26 June 1977, the sacrament of Holy Orders . In the same year he also received his doctorate as a theologian. He initially worked as a parish priest before being appointed rector of the theological faculty at the Zagreb Seminary in 2002. Since 2008 Gorski was Canon of the Cathedral Chapter of Zagreb.

On May 3, 2010 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him . the titular bishop of Epidaurum and ordered him auxiliary bishop in Zagreb. The Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Josip Bozanić , donated him episcopal ordination on July 3 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the auxiliary bishops in Zagreb, Valentin Pozaić SJ and Ivan Šaško . In the Croatian Bishops' Conference, Mijo Gorski is chairman of the committee for young people.

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