Valentin Pozaić

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Valentin Pozaić SJ (born September 15, 1945 in Marija Bistrica , Yugoslavia , today Croatia ) is a Croatian religious and emeritus Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in Zagreb .


Valentin Pozaić attended the elementary school in Selnica and Bedekovčina, the seminary and the archiepiscopal high school in Zagreb. Pozaić entered the Jesuit order during his high school years .

He then studied Catholic theology and philosophy at the Philosophical-Theological Institute of the Jesuits in Zagreb . On June 24, 1973, he received the sacrament of ordination . Pozaić then continued his studies in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University in the field of moral theology and was awarded a Dr. theol. PhD . During his studies in Rome from 1977 to 1979 he was also editor of the Croatian-language radio program at Vatican Radio .

After his return in 1984 Pozaic took over as professor in the field of moral theology the teaching position at the Institute of Philosophy and Theology of the Jesuits in Zagreb. From 1990 to 1994 Pozaić taught the subject at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome . This was followed by Pozaić's teaching position in Christian ethics at the Jesuit Institute in Zagreb, where he also founded a teaching institute for the field of bioethics . In this regard, he studied bioethics at the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics in Washington, DC , at the Institute Linacre Center for Health Care Ethics in London and at the Instituto Borja de Bioetica in Barcelona .

From 1990 Pozaić worked for the Croatian Bishops' Conference with the main focus on family care and doctrine . He worked as a pastoral assistant at the Croatian Association of Catholic Doctors . From 1994 to 2000 Pozaić was rector of the Jesuit college in Zagreb. Valentin Pozaić wrote some specialist articles in specialist journals and published some books on moral theology.

On 2 February 2005 appointed him Pope John Paul II. To the titular of Petina and auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Zagreb. The Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Josip Bozanić , donated him episcopal ordination on March 19 of the same year. Co-consecrators were the auxiliary bishops of Zagreb Josip Mrzljak and Vlado Košić .

Pope Francis accepted his early resignation on May 13, 2017.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia di Ausiliare di Zagreb (Croazia). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , May 13, 2017, accessed May 14, 2017 (Italian).