Ministry of Romans

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The Roman Ministry or the March Ministry formed the state government of Württemberg from March 9, 1848 to October 28, 1849 .

Office Surname
Judiciary Friedrich Römer
Finances Adolf Goppel
Interior Gustav Duvernoy
Cult Paul Pfizer
from March 9, 1848 to August 14, 1848
Eduard Schmidlin
from August 14, 1848 to September 16, 1849
Outer and Royal House Joseph Ignaz Graf von Beroldingen
March to May 1848
Karl Ludwig Friedrich Roser
since May 13, 1848
war Johann Georg Graf von Sontheim
from March 9th to June 24th, 1848
August Freiherr von Rüpplin
June 24, 1848 to October 28, 1849


  • Bertold Spuler : Regents and Governments of the World. = Sovereigns and Governments of the World. Part 2, Volume 3: Modern Times. 1492-1918. 2nd Edition. Ploetz, Würzburg 1962.