Minkowski sum

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The Minkowski sum (after Hermann Minkowski ) of two subsets and a vector space is the set whose elements are sums of one element from and one element from .


Let be two subsets of a vector space. Then the Minkowski sum is defined by


Sometimes the Minkowski sum is also noted with the sign instead of the normal plus sign. In the area of linear algebra and functional analysis , however, this can lead to confusion with the direct sum .

Applications finds the Minkowski sum, for example, in 2D and 3D computer graphics and image processing (especially morphology , will though there usually binary dilation or dilatation called The counterpart is the. Erosion ) in the linear optimization (for example, Minkowski sum of a Polytops and a polyhedron cone ), in functional analysis and in robot control .


The Minkowski sum is associative , commutative and distributive with respect to the union of sets, that is .

The following applies to the power of the Minkowski sum , because each element is added to each and multiple sums are only found once in the set.

The Minkowski sum of convex sets is again a convex set. In the case of convex sets, the calculation of the Minkowski sum can also be done very easily graphically: You slide one polytope along the edge of the other and the area covered is the Minkowski sum.


Given A and B with elements from :

Minkowski-sumex1.svg Minkowski-sumex2.svg

Then the Minkowski sum of A and B is:

The point (1,0) occurs three times, i.e. H.

A and B represent isosceles triangles (convex). The Minkowski sum results in a convex hexagon, which can be understood as having been created by driving along B on the edge of A, as the illustration shows.

Minkowski-sumex3.svg Minkowski-sumex4.svg

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mark de Berg, Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and Otfried Schwarzkopf: Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications. Springer publishing house.