Miró Bonfill

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Miró Bonfill , in dynastic continuity also Miró III. called († 984 ), was a Count of Besalú and Bishop of Girona from the House of Barcelona . He was the youngest of the four sons of Miró the Younger , Count of Cerdanya and Besalú , and his wife Ava. His brothers were Sunifred II , Wilfried II and Oliba Cabreta .

As the youngest son, Miró had started a clerical career, but had taken over the county of Besalú after the death of his eldest brother. In 971 he was ordained bishop of Girona. During his tenure he had founded several religious institutions, such as the Church of Sant Pere in Besalú , and the consecration of the Abbeys of Sant Miquel de Cuixà and Santa Maria de Ripoll . In March 981 he had participated in the Synod in the Lateran in Rome under the chairmanship of Emperor Otto II and Pope Benedict VII and was commissioned here with the dissemination of the decree banning simony . After his death he was buried in Santa Maria de Ripoll.


  • Josep María Salrach: El bisbe-comte Miró Bonfill i la seva obra de fundació i dotació de monestirs , In: Il Col • loqui d'Història del Monaquisme Català , Vol. 2 (1974), pp. 57-81.
  • Josep María Salrach: El comte-bisbe Miró Bonfill i l'acta de consegració de Cuixà de l'any 974 , In: Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia , Vol. 1 (1981), pp. 107-124.
  • Josep María Salrach: El comte-bisbe Miró Bonfill i l'acta de consegració de Ripoll de l'any 977 , In: Estudis universitaris Catalans , Vol. 26 (1984), pp. 303-318.


  1. ^ The Councils of Germany and Imperial Italy 916-1001. Part 2: 962-1001 , ed. by Ernst-Dieter Hehl in, MGH Conc. 6.2 (1987-2007), pp. 354-361.
  2. Ex Gestis Comitum Barcinonensium , §4, in: Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France , Vol. 9 (1874), p. 69.
predecessor Office successor
Sunifred II. Count of Besalú
Oliba Cabreta
Arnulf Bishop of Girona
Gotmar III.