Miriam Hollstein

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Miriam Hollstein (2015)

Miriam Hollstein (born  May 12, 1970 in Karlsruhe ) is a German journalist and author .


After graduating from high school in Karlsruhe, Miriam Hollstein studied journalism and romance studies at the Free University of Berlin as well as cinematography and political geography at the Université de Montréal in Canada.

She lives and works in Berlin .

As a journalist

After completing her studies, Hollstein began her career as an editor for the specialist journal Internationale Politik . Afterwards she worked in the international department of “Welt am Sonntag” and from 2006 to 2014 was the editor for domestic politics of the WELT Group. From 2015 Miriam Hollstein is the domestic policy editor of Bild am Sonntag , where she reports on the Union and the Chancellor, among other things.

In the TV format Bon (n) jour Berlin of the TV station Phoenix, in which the political and social topics of the day u. a. are analyzed by capital city journalists, Miriam Hollstein is a regular interviewee. She also moderates events and congresses on a regular basis.

Miriam Hollstein has been the chief reporter for Bild am Sonntag since April 1, 2018 .

As an author

Together with the illustrator Heiko Sakurai , as the author of the text, she created the comic biography »Miss Tschörmänie« about Angela Merkel .

Together with the SPD politician Angela Marquardt , Miriam Hollstein published her autobiography.


With a report from Israel published in “The World”, Miriam Hollstein triggered a wave of protests in Poland in November 2008. In the text it was mentioned that the grandfather of one of the protagonists died in the “Polish Majdanek concentration camp ”. This formulation was viewed as scandalous. “Welt” editor-in-chief Thomas Schmid then published a correction that it was a “concentration camp set up by the Germans in occupied Poland” and sent a letter of apology to the Polish embassy. Miriam Hollstein also apologized for this formulation in interviews with Polish newspapers. But the Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Ryszard Schnepf announced that he would be suing the newspaper for “false accusations against the Polish nation”. Ultimately, the Polish Foreign Ministry waived the lawsuit. In 2015, the District Court of Warsaw dismissed a private individual's complaint because of Hollstein's article. The plaintiff had demanded that Axel Springer Verlag should atone for this "falsification of history" by paying the equivalent of 240,000 euros to social institutions and also apologizing in advertisements in the Polish press and on television.


Web links

Commons : Miriam Hollstein  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of Bon (n) jour Berlin. Retrieved September 16, 2015 .
  2. Post from April 22nd, 2015 on Phoenix TV. Retrieved September 16, 2015 .
  3. Post from October 6, 2015 on Phoenix TV. Retrieved October 6, 2015 .
  4. Flyer family-conscious working time organization of the future (PDF). Retrieved November 8, 2015 .
  5. PHOENIX round on the UN migration pact. Retrieved January 13, 2019 .
  6. "Miss Tschörmänie" ( Memento of 18 August 2009 at the Internet Archive ) Miriam Hollstein (Author), Heiko Sakurai (Illustrator), calibration fount publishing , July 2009
  7. Thorsten Denkler: "Miss Tschörmänie, the very first". Süddeutsche Zeitung , July 2, 2009, archived from the original on October 6, 2009 ; accessed on January 26, 2019 .
  8. Angela Marquardt, Miriam Hollstein: Father, mother, Stasi: My life in the network of the surveillance state . Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2015.
  9. Piotr Jendroszczyk, “Die Welt” or “polskim obozie”, in: Rzeczpospolita , November 26, 2008, p. A12.
  10. ^ Minister wants to complain fr-online.de , November 27, 2008.
  11. Bartosz T. Wielinski, "Die Welt" przeprasza za "polskie obozy", in: Gazeta Wyborcza , November 26, 2008, p. 11.
  12. Poland: No legal action against the "world" kress.de , November 28, 2008.
  13. Polish court dismisses suit against "Welt" welt.de , March 5, 2015.