Mirko Deanović

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Mirko Deanović (born May 13, 1890 - June 16, 1984 ) was a Yugoslav Romance scholar .


Deanović received his doctorate in 1913 at the University of Vienna with the work The Translations of Antun Gleđević . He became a professor at the University of Zagreb and founded Croatian Italian studies . His pupil Josip Jernej followed him .

Deanović had the idea of ​​a Mediterranean language atlas in 1937, the planning of which began in 1956 (with Gianfranco Folena ). Between 1959 and 1972, 850 maritime terms were phonetically transcribed in 165 coastal towns. The Bollettino dell'Atlante linguistico mediterraneo (ALM) was published from 1959 to 1993 . In 1959 Deanović also brought the idea of ​​a Slavic Linguistic Atlas of the Balkans (ALB) into play.

Deanović was a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts , and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts .


  • (Ed. With Ante Petravić) Antologija savremene jugoslovenske lirike , Split 1922
  • Odrazi talijanske akademije "degli arcadi" preko jadrana , Zagreb 1934
  • Talijansko-hrvatski rjecnik [Italian-Croatian dictionary], Zagreb 1942, 1948 (31 + 828 pages)
  • Anciens contacts entre la France et Raguse , Zagreb 1950
  • Avviamento allo studio del dialetto di Rovigno d'Istria. Grammatica. Testi. Glossario , Zagreb 1954
  • (with Jean Dayre and Rudolf Maixner) Dictionnaire serbocroate-français / Hrvatskosrpsko-francuski rječnik [Serbo-Croatian-French dictionary], Zagreb 1956 (948 pages); 1996 (960 pages)
  • (with Josip Jernej ) Hrvatskosrpsko-talijanski rječnik / Vocabolario croato-serbo italiano [Serbo-Croatian-Italian dictionary], Zagreb 1956 (1168 pages); 9th edition 1994 (1134 pages)
  • (with Josip Jernej ) Rječnik talijansko-hrvatskosrpski / Vocabolario italiano-croatoserbo [Italian-Serbo-Croatian dictionary], Zagreb 1960 (914 pages); 14th edition 2002 (1093 pages)
  • (Staff) Petar Skok , Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue croate ou serbe , 4 vols., Zagreb 1971–1974


  • Fasciculus Mirko Deanovic oblatus , Zagreb 1960 (Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia 9/10, December 1960)
  • Studi offerti a Mirko Deanović , Florence 1970 (Bollettino dell'atlante linguistico mediterraneo. Bulletin de l'atlas linguistique méditerranéen. Vol. 10/12, 1968/1970)
  • Mirko Deanović 1890-1984 , ed. from Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti / Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts , Zagreb 1986
  • Žarko Muljačić, Aggiunte e rettifiche alle bibliografie di P. Skok e M. Deanović, in: Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia 52, 2007, pp. 65–85

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