Miroslav Kácha

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Miroslav Kácha 2008

Miroslav Kácha (born September 21, 1923 in Prague ; † April 6, 2010 ibid) was a Czechoslovak soldier and Czech major general , as well as a participant in the resistance against the German occupation and the communist regime.


After graduating from high school in 1942, Kácha worked in the ČKD Libeň machine factory , where light tanks and tank destroyers were produced for the Wehrmacht . He made contact with the resistance group Obrana národa , which had evolved from members of the army , for which he provided reports from his workplace. After the war ended, he studied at the military academy in Hranice na Moravě , which he left in August 1948 with the rank of lieutenant . Already at the academy he made contact with a group of army officers who opposed increasingly obvious tendencies towards the infiltration of the army by communist functionaries. After the communist seizure of power in 1948 , they then passed on their information and findings about the situation in the army by radio to western countries.

On May 21, 1949, Kácha was arrested and subjected to several tough interrogations that lasted several months. The trial of Kácha and other arrested employees began on September 12, 1949 with charges of high treason and espionage , which were to be committed by an organized group of army officers. Kácha was sentenced to life imprisonment and spent eleven years in prison, the last eight years in the notorious Leopoldov fortress . In 1960 he was given an amnesty and released in very poor health. As early as 1961, however, the State Security Service StB tried to recruit him with the threat of otherwise taking him back to prison. Kácha faked a serious accident at his workplace and faked amnesia until the police lost their interest.

After the collapse of the regime in 1989, Kácha was rehabilitated. In 1995 President Václav Havel awarded him the Order of the White Lion Third Class and at the same time promoted him to Major General .
