Mission 21

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Mission 21
founding 1815
Seat Basel SwitzerlandSwitzerlandSwitzerland 
main emphasis Mission; Development cooperation in Africa, Asia and Latin America; Education, exchange and research
method Theological and cultural exchange as well as development cooperation projects in the areas of poverty reduction, health, women and gender, education and peacebuilding
Action space Worldwide
Chair Johannes Blum
Managing directors Jochen Kirsch
Website www.mission-21.org

Mission 21 - Evangelisches Missionswerk Basel is an international ecclesiastical mission organization based in Basel ( Switzerland ) that is ecumenical and active in development cooperation. Mission 21 is a work of the Evangelical Reformed Church. In Europe , the association maintains a partnership with Comundo , the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity, EMS in Germany, the Directorate for Development and Cooperation in Bern, and is a member of the international church network ACT Alliance . Mission 21 operates on the basis of the gospel and human rights. In its work, Mission 21 is based on the sustainability goals of the UN Agenda 2030. The organization works closely with church-based or church-related organizations.


At the beginning of 2001 five mission organizations merged to form Mission 21 - Evangelisches Missionswerk Basel . The oldest of the three supporting organizations of Mission 21 today is the Basel Mission , which was launched in 1815. The first international mission synod of Mission 21 took place from June 16-20, 2004 in Basel . The Mission Synod is the top decision-making body of the organization. The partner churches and organizations from Africa , Asia and Latin America as well as Europe are represented equally. The second Mission Synod took place in Bern in 2007 and the third in Zurich in 2010. Since the fourth synod in 2013 in St. Gallen, the synods have been held annually: 2014–2017 and 2019 in Basel, 2018 as a guest of the Aargau Regional Church in Aarau. The 2015 Synod - as the anniversary synod for the 200th anniversary of the largest supporting association of Mission 21, the Basel Mission - was of particular importance and was accompanied by supporting events. The next synod will take place on June 12 and 13, 2020 in Basel.

Organization and administration

Missionshaus Basel, built in 1860 by Johann Jakob Stehlin the Elder. J., Headquarters of Mission 21 and Hotel Bildungszentrum 21

Over 50 people are employed in the office. In addition, there are around 20 international employees who accompany and support the partner churches and partner organizations on site, for example as technicians, theologians or coordinators. The office is located at Missionsstrasse 21 in Basel.

The seat of the association is the mission house, which was completed in Basel in 1860 (architect: Johann Jakob Stehlin the Younger ). The house originally served as a training building for the missionaries of the Basel Mission. Today there is also a seminar hotel in the house under the name Odelya . Organizationally, the hotel is a stock corporation owned by the Basler Mission sponsoring association. The Basel Mission makes an annual contribution to the program and project work of Mission 21 from the profit from the hotel and other income .

Mission 21 has its own public library , which is also a designated specialist library for mission, ecumenism and development cooperation. Their holdings - including the historical ones - are listed in the online catalog of the Universities of Basel-Bern. An extensive archive also available for interdisciplinary research with a focus on African studies as well as on South India, South China and Borneo enables a critical analysis of the (own mission) history.

The association is financed through private donations, through contributions from the cantonal churches and parishes in Switzerland, the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity in Germany and through contributions from various other organizations. Mission 21's total turnover is currently around 14 million Swiss francs per year.

The logo represents the tree of life in a stylized form, as it is described in the book of Revelation verse 22.2. The logo was designed by the graphics office VischerVettiger in Basel.

Purpose and principles

The aim of the association is to enable encounters with previously unfamiliar worlds and to provide concrete help where peace , justice and creation are threatened. In the context of special encounters and series of events, it deals with current issues of the church and society and offers space for intercultural and interreligious encounters , especially in Switzerland . Every three years, the Mission Synod of Mission 21 selects key topics that will be particularly emphasized in the communication and project work during a given period. This can be the in-depth knowledge of a specific country or the opportunity to implement a selected project. The project areas include medical assistance, HIV / AIDS prevention , agricultural training, professional development , support for orphans , theological education , peacebuilding and gender equality. The around 100 projects are spread across 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The “PEP!” Program

PEP! (Professionals Exposure Program) is a three-part advanced training program from Mission 21 . The aim of the offer is to give young people access to modern development work without having to commit to work for several years. After a preparatory course, a project assignment is planned, which will be concluded in a return seminar and workshop to deepen intercultural issues. The task in the project is related to a job or training. In this way, specialist knowledge can be deepened and intercultural competence built up. During the six to twelve month assignment in Africa, Latin America or Asia, the participants are responsible for their own area of ​​responsibility. Every year around 15 to 20 people do a “PEP!” Assignment, selected from around 400 applicants each year.


Mission 21 uses various publications to inform its members and the public about their work and projects as well as their partner organizations, but also to stimulate discussions with current topics. The annual report provides information on the activities and impact of Mission 21 every year. The annual financial report publishes the audited information on the past financial year. Two publications appear four times a year with information about activities, projects and programs of Mission 21 as well as journalistic articles:

  • Mission - information about worldwide church and development cooperation, resp. about life and its downsides in the participating countries
  • News - updated information about Mission 21 and its projects

Once a year, the Women's Letter is published in five languages by the Women and Gender Unit .

Partner churches and organizations

The participation of the partner churches and organizations plays a central role. In the continental assemblies of these partner churches, the respective delegates are determined, the current topics are defined and the various activities are coordinated. These partner churches are in detail:

  • Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
  • Centro Ecuménico de Promoción y Acción Social Centro, CEDEPAS-Centro, Peru
  • Centro Ecuménico de Promoción y Acción Social Norte, CEDEPAS-Norte, Peru
  • Audiovisuales del Perú, ADEP
  • Basel Christian Church of Malaysia, BCCM
  • Gereja Kristen Pasundan, GKP (Pasundan Church), Indonesia
  • Persekutuan Gereja -gereja di Indonesia, PGI
  • Sabah Theological Seminary, STS, Malaysia
  • Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN YOGYA, Indonesia
  • Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana , UKDW, Indonesia
  • Cameroon, Fonta: Agricultural Advisory Center
  • Tanzania, Mbeya: Moravian Church in Tanzania, South-West Province MCT-SWP
  • Tanzania, Mbeya: Moravian Church in Tanzania, Southern Province MCT-SP
  • Tanzania, Teofilo Kisanji University, Mbeya
  • Bolivia, La Paz: Institute for Ecumenical Andean Theology, ISEAT
  • Chile: Mesa Chile
  • Chile, Concepción: Servicio para el Desarrollo y la Educación Comunitaria, SEDEC, Development and Training Service of the Methodist Church of Chile
  • Chile, Santiago: Evangelical Development Service, SEPADE
  • Chile, Santiago: Ecumenical Center “Diego de Medellín”, CEDM
  • Chile, Santiago: Service for Peace and Justice, SERPAJ
  • Chile, Santiago: Methodist Church of Chile, IMECH
  • Chile, Santiago: Women's collective Conspirando
  • Chile, Santiago & Concepción: Comunidad Teológica Evangélica de Chile, Evangelical-Theological Community
  • Costa Rica, San José: DEI Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones
  • Ecuador, Quito: CLAI, Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias
  • South Korea: The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, PROK
  • South Korea: The Presbyterian Church of Korea, PCK
  • Asian Fellowship of mission 21 Partners

Web links

Commons : Mission 21 (Basel)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Schlatter: History of the Basler Mission 1815-1915 (3 volumes), Basel: Verlag der Basler Missionsbuchhandlung 1916
  2. ^ Christine Christ-von Wedel, Thomas K. Kuhn (Eds.): Basel Mission. People, History, Perspectives 1815–2015, Basel: Schwabe 2015
  3. Detlef Lienau: Heidenboten nursery school - the Basler Mission Seminar, in training for mission. In: The Hermannsburg Mission Seminar from 1849 to 2012, Berlin 2015, pp. 43–81
  4. https://baselbern.swissbib.ch
  5. ^ BM Archives. Retrieved June 19, 2019 .
  6. Current annual report and financial report
  7. pccweb.org (English)
  8. cedepas-centro.org (Spanish)
  9. cedepas.org.pe (Spanish)
  10. adepperu.com (Spanish)
  11. bccm.org.my
  12. cf. mission-21.org/partner
  13. pgi.or.id (Indonesian)
  14. stssabah.org (partly in English)
  15. uin-suka.ac.id (Indonesian)
  16. ukdw.ac.id (Indonesian)
  17. prtcfonta.org ( Memento of the original from March 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.prtcfonta.org
  18. moravian.or.tz
  19. mctsp.moravian.or.tz
  20. Teofilo Tanzania teku.ac.tz
  21. iseatbolivia.org (Spanish)
  22. mision21chile.cl ( Memento of the original from March 2, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mision21chile.cl
  23. cf. mission-21.org/partner
  24. sepade.cl (Spanish)
  25. diegodemedellin.cl (Spanish)
  26. serpajchile.cl (Spanish)
  27. imech gbgm-umc.org (Spanish / English)
  28. conspirando.cl (Spanish)
  29. ctedechile.cl (Spanish)
  30. deicr.org (Spanish)
  31. centroecumenico.org (Spanish)
  32. prok.org (mainly Korean)
  33. pck.or.kr (partly in English)
  34. Asian Fellowship pct.org.tw (English)