Mnium marginatum

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Mnium marginatum
Mnium marginatum (e, 144940-474712) 4154.JPG

Mnium marginatum

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Bryales
Family : Mniaceae
Genre : Mnium
Type : Mnium marginatum
Scientific name
Mnium marginatum
( Dicks. ) P.Beauv.

Mnium marginatum (Edged Sternmoos) is a moss - kind from the family Mniaceae . Synonyms are Mnium serratum Brid., Mnium riparium Mitt. And Mnium adnivense JJAmann.


Mnium marginatum forms loose lawns 2 to 4 centimeters high. These are light green in youth, brownish-green in old age, rust-colored on the inside and slightly matted at the base. The upright to slightly curved stems are loosely leafed. Sterile stems usually appear to have two rows of leaves. The lanceolate leaves that run down the stem are moist and upright, slightly crinkled when dry, up to 5 millimeters long and 1.2 millimeters wide, with a slightly extended, sharp leaf tip. The edge of the leaf is lined and has blunt, rarely pointed double teeth down to the middle of the leaf. The rib extends to the tip of the leaf and is usually smooth on the back. The leaf cells are roughly rounded, 18 to 44 µm long and 16 to 33 µm wide.

Usually this type of moss is monocial , but diocesan forms also occur. It is often fruitful. The sporogons stand individually, the horizontal to nodding spore capsule is elongated-oval, its lid beaked crookedly. The finely papillary, yellowish-green spores are 24 to 34 µm in size and ripen in spring.

Ecology and diffusion

Mnium marginatum is lime-loving and grows in damp and shady locations mainly in forests on earth, over-earthed rock and in crevices. It also populates walls or concrete less often. In Central Europe, it occurs in a scattered manner, especially in limestone areas, and is rare in the northern German lowlands. Worldwide there are occurrences in Europe, Asia, North and Central America and North Africa.


Web links

Commons : Mnium marginatum  - album with pictures, videos and audio files