Moïse Haissinsky

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Moïse Haissinsky (born November 4, 1898 in Tarashcha , Kyiv Governorate , Russian Empire , † November 10, 1976 in Paris ) was a French chemist ( radiochemistry ).

Haissinsky studied chemistry in Charkiw and later in Rome from 1917 and received his doctorate in Rome in 1927. He then worked as an industrial chemist in Paris and from 1930 at the Curie Laboratory, where he met Marie Curie . During World War II he was at the University of Lyon. In 1945 he became Associate Professor and in 1955 Research Director of the CNRS at the Curie Laboratory. In 1957 he became a professor of radiochemistry at the Sorbonne . In 1963 he retired.

He dealt with the electrochemistry of radioactive elements such as polonium and isolated large amounts of protactinium so that he could study its chemical behavior. He also looked at the effects of ultrasound and ionizing radiation on aqueous solutions and the limits of validity of the Nernst equation .

He is the father of the scientist Jacques Haissinski (* 1935).


  • L'atomistique moderne et la chimie (Foreword Paul Langevin ), 1932.
  • Les radiocolloïdes, Paris, Hermann, 1934.
  • Le polonium, Paris, Hermann, 1937.
  • Électrochimie des substances radioactives et des solutions extêmement diluées, 1946.
  • Effet Szilárd et Chalmers: Transformations chimiques accompagnant les réactions nucléaires, 1949.
  • L'état actuel du système périodique des éléments chimiques, 1951.
  • with Michael Lederer: Progrès récents de la chromatographie, 1952.
  • Editor: Actions chimiques et biologiques des radiations, 1955.
  • Irène Joliot-Curie, les Lettres Françaises, 1956.
  • La chimie nucléaire et ses applications, 1957.
  • Actions chimiques provoquées par les processus et les rayonnements nucléaires, 1960.
  • Constantes sélectionnées: rendements radiolytiques, Pergamon Press, 1961.
  • Editor with Paul Pascal: Nouveau traité de chimie minérale, Paris, Masson, 1962.
  • with Michel Magat: Tables de constantes et données numériques, 1963
  • with J.-P. Adloff: Radiochemical Survey of the Elements Principal Characteristics and Applications of the Elements and Their Isotopes, 1965.
  • Le Laboratoire Curie et son apport aux sciences nucléaires, 1971.


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