Moacir Aparecido de Freitas

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Moacir Aparecido de Freitas (born August 22, 1962 in Ibirá , São Paulo , Brazil ) is a Brazilian clergyman and bishop of Votuporanga .


Moacir Aparecido de Freitas received the sacrament of ordination for the diocese of São Carlos on December 11, 1987 . After many years as a parish priest, from 2008 he worked as a spiritual director at the seminary of São Carlos.

On July 20, 2016, Pope Francis appointed him the first bishop of Votuporanga. He received his episcopal ordination on October 11th of the same year Paulo César Costa , Bishop of São Carlos. Eleven days later, the inauguration ( enthronement ) took place.

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Individual evidence

  1. erezione della diocesi di Votuporanga (Brasile) e nomina del primo Vescovo. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , July 20, 2016, accessed July 20, 2016 (Italian).