Mobile aeronautical service

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Aeronautical Mobile Service (R) at the Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center
Principle of the mobile aeronautical radio service via satellite
Radio communications from the emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River
British VOLMET broadcast on shortwave

The Mobile aeronautical , even portable aeronautical or you just Flugfunk ( English aeronautical mobile service ) is as defined by the ITU Radio Regulations (Radio Regulations) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a mobile service between aeronautical stations and aircraft stations , or between aircraft stations, in which also rescue equipment stations may participate. Radio beacons for marking the emergency position may also participate in this radio service on specified emergency frequencies.


The VO Funk categorizes this radio service as follows:

Articles 1.32 to 1.37 aeronautical mobile service:

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Radio Regulations, Edition of 2012