Modal sentence in the Spanish language

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A sentence of the mean or manner sentence or modal sentence , Spanish oración modal, is a special form of an adverbial subordinate clause in Spanish grammar , oración subordinada adverbial. It describes the means or the manner in which the event that is named in the main clause comes about .


The structure of a sentence with a modal subordinate clause can be reproduced as follows:

Hauptsatz  + Modalkonjunktion + Nebensatz (Indikativ oder Subjunktiv)

The adverbial subordinate clauses can be divided into two groups. For the first group, the subordinate clauses can be replaced by adverbs (compare also the corresponding cases in the Spanish temporal clause ). In the case of the modal set, oración modal , we get:

 Hazlo como te dije.
 Hazlo así.

In contrast, this replacement is not possible in the second group.

  • independent, subordinate adverbial clauses, oraciones subordinadas adverbiales propias . These are the temporal clause , oración temporal , the local clause , oración local and the modal clause, oración modal . - Examples:
Le escribiré cuando quieras. Ihn ich werde schreiben wenn du möchtest. Futuro simple de indicativo + Presente de subjuntivo
Le esperaré donde quieras. Ihn ich werde erwarten wo du möchtest. Futuro simple de indicativo + Presente de subjuntivo
Le mimaré como quieras. Ihn ich werde verwöhnen wie möchtest. Futuro simple de indicativo + Presente de subjuntivo
  • discrete, subordinate adverbial clauses, oraciones subordinadas adverbiales impropias . These are the causal clause, oración causal , the consecutive clause, oración consecutiva, the concessive clause , oración concesiva , the conditional clause, oración condicional , the final clause, oración final and the comparative clause, oración comparativa . - Examples:
La quiere porque es simpática. Sie er mag weil sie ist sympathisch.
Nieva tanto que no saldremos. Es schneit soviel dass nicht wir rausgehen.
Te aprobaré aunque no conduzcas. Dir ich werde genehmigen obwohl nicht du autofährst.
Si vienes, te invito a desayunar. Wenn du kommst, dich ich einlade zum frühstücken.
Lo hago para que nades. Ich tue es damit du schwimmest.
Miente más que habla. Er lügt mehr als spricht.

When using the modes differently , i.e. the indicativos or the subjuntivos , two considerations are useful: The tenses or time levels and the modes can be the same in main and subordinate clauses or they can be different. There are three time levels : presence, presente , past pasado and futurity futuro . The time relationships in turn determine the relationship between two time levels. In other words, the speaker or writer looks at two points in time and decides which of the two points in time occurs first and which comes after. A distinction is made here between the following temporal relationships : temporality, posterioridad , simultaneity, simultaneidad and prematurity, anterioridad .

  • if the ideas, thoughts or actions are in the past or present, the indicativo follows
  • if the ideas, thoughts or actions are referred to the future, the subjuntivo follows .

The modal subordinate clause describes the way, the accompanying circumstances and how something happened or it names the means that are used to achieve a goal in the main clause. Both sentences are thus in a correlating relationship to one another in which the identity of people and things, their manner and actions or statements can be compared with one another. The manner sentences provide information about this: How? In what way? By what means? a fact or event occurs or will occur in an act in a main clause.

 Man fängt den Hasen nicht, indem man ins Horn bläst.
 Podemos conducir con los coches sin que se paren. Wir können mit den Autos fahren ohne das sie halten an.

Formally, the modal sentence makes statements about the means and the purpose of the happening or event. Such modal information can be presented differently, such as a means, a comparison, the missing accompanying circumstance, a better, but not perceived possibility or a perceived circumstance based on a restriction. In German, for example, conjunctions and adverbs are used by, through that, with that, that, the ... the, as if, how, without that, whereby .

Modal conjunctions

The most important modal connectors , conjunciones modales, are in Spanish:

spanish words German translations
como así such as; which is the case
como si as if
sin que without that
dado que as a result of that; assumed that
por lo cual whereby
mientras by doing
a través de by; by means of
por because of
según therefore; according to; according to
valley como how
con tal que so far
cuanto ... tanto ... the ... all the

The adverbial definition of the way explains how something happens or how something comes about. - Examples:

Me grita como si yo no oyera. Mich er/sie schreit an, als ob ich nicht gut hätte gehört.
Lo haré como lo hemos pensado. Ich werde es machen so wie es wir haben gedacht.
Como si fuera el maestro, se puso a dirigir el departamento de artesanía. Als wäre er der Meister, begann er zu führen die Handwerksabteilung.
Clause 1 Clause 2
subordinate clause main clause
Oración subordinada Oración principal
Antecedents, antecedents Consistent, consiguiente
"Antecedent" "Subsequent or subsequent sentence"
Means, manner, circumstances recurso, modalidad Effect, consecuencia , circunstancias
Independently Dependent
coordination Subordination


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Modalsatz proposición modal. Justo Fernández López,
  2. Rocío Lineros Quintero: Teoría sintáctica: Las proposiciones subordinadas adverbiales.
  3. in the terminology of Koschmieder time level reference (absolute time)
  4. in the terminology of Koschmieder time direction reference (relative time)